You can do all six simple exercises at home.

WE’VE long been told to get up and get moving to boost our health.

However, new research indicates that NOT moving could also be beneficial.


Researchers have found that doing static exercise can lower blood pressure.

A study has found that static exercises — known as isometric by fitness experts — are better at lowering blood pressure than walking, running or cycling.

The wall squat is one of the exercises recommended that can be performed anywhere and without any equipment.

Dr Jamie O’Driscoll, author of the study published in the British ­Journal of Sports Medicine, said of the exercises: “They increase the tension in the muscles when held for two minutes, then cause a sudden rush of blood when you relax.

“This increases the blood flow — but you must remember to breathe.”

The team from Canterbury Christ Church University analyzed the data of nearly 16 000 volunteers who participated in 270 studies published between 1990 and 2000 to determine the effects of various workouts on blood-pressure.

Health authorities, they believe, should update their guidelines on the treatment and prevention of hypertension (high blood pressure), which can cause a stroke or heart attack.

The medical author Dr Hilary Jones warns against too much reliance on planks or squats.

He said: “I looked at the study and the blood pressure-lowering effect was pretty small.

“I’d hate people to think they could just do static exercises twice a day and be protected from heart disease and high blood pressure.

“Other lifestyle issues are going to be much more significant, such as smoking, alcohol and salt intake.”

Six low-energy exercises that can help you relax.



Raising your heels while holding a weight each in both hands.

As you stand, hold each weight in your hands and lift both heels.

Hold the position you have reached for one minute.



Start the squat by putting your feet a little wider apart than hip width.

As you begin, place your feet slightly wider between your hips. Keep your chest out.

As low as possible, get into the squat. Hold it for at least 30 seconds.



Repeat the same motion with the opposite leg.

Stand with feet at hip width apart, hands by your side.

Take a big step forward, with your one foot. Keep your shoulders and chest back, while keeping the other leg straight.

You should bend your knee 90 degrees. Repeat with your other leg.



Hold the bridge in place for 10 seconds.

Lie down with your knees up and your arms at your side.

Gently raise your hips until your rear is elevated. Hold the bridge position for 10 seconds.



Start the wall squat by standing with your feet at shoulder width apart.

Pushing your back up against the wall while keeping your feet at shoulder-width distance apart is a good exercise.

Lower your hips and knees 90 degrees to sit in a seated position. Then, hold the position for 10 seconds.



The plank should be held as tightly as you can.

Get down on your knees as though you are doing press ups. Your hands and feet should be in direct contact with the ground.

Hold your position as long as you can. As long as possible, hold the position.


This new study is interesting as well as useful. It can be used to advise patients on how to best manage their hypertension by increasing physical activity.

Patients should know that exercise is as effective as medications at reducing high blood pressure. They are encouraged to incorporate physical activity in their daily lives.

It’s important to know that all types of exercise and physical activity are beneficial for mental and physical health.

It is important to be active in whatever way you choose.

You don’t need to do anything different if you like your physical activities.

If your blood pressure concerns you, consider adding these static exercises to your warm up.

This research shows that simple home exercises that are free and do not require any equipment can have a greater impact on health for people who don’t exercise.

A good way to build them into your daily routine is by linking them to existing activities that you already do every day – try a plank while the kettle boils, a wall squat while brushing your teeth, or hold a squat for the length of an advert during the ad break of your favourite TV programme.