Why do I wake up with headaches? – The Sun

Getting up in the morning can be difficult enough.

Mornings that are greeted by a headache can be quite torturous.


Credit to Alamy

You reach for the painkillers on days like these and you hope for a quick recovery.

However, headaches can occur for many reasons. Some of these can’t be treated with paracetamol.

These can occur if we become dehydrated.

Morning headaches are quite common. Many of these are not serious.

It’s often nothing to worry about and is usually a result dehydration or a result from an indulgent night.

However, persistent pain in the mornings could be an indicator of a deeper problem.

It is best to understand what it means and to see if it is necessary to speak to an expert.

What are the signs and symptoms of headaches?

They are quite common for all headache types, but may vary depending on which type you have and how severe the pain is.

Migraine headaches often cause throbbing, pounding pain. Some sufferers feel completely wiped out and may even need to take medication.

Cluster headaches can feel more like a burning sensation around the eyes, and can make it difficult for people to open their mouths.

Sinus headaches are often caused by infection or illness and usually affect the forehead, nose, eyes, or forehead.

What are the different types of headaches?

There are approximately 300 types of headaches.

A morning headache usually begins between 4am and 9am and often tends to interrupt a sufferer’s sleep – with the pain waking you up.

There are many ways to describe the pain, including a tension headache or cluster headache.

Paroxysmal or medicinal overuse headaches can also be a cause of morning headaches.

Research has shown that people suffering from morning headaches are more likely to have sleep disorders.

Why do headaches happen?

You could wake up feeling headachey in the morning for many reasons.

Shift work

Research has shown that headaches in the morning may also be due to circadian rhythm disorders. These are when the body’s natural rhythms are disrupted. “body clock”is not possible, for example due to shift work.

Due to the misalignment of your natural body clock and when you are actually sleeping, you might get insufficient sleep, which could cause headaches when you wake up.

These, along with allergens in your bedroom and sleeping in extremely cold rooms, can all affect sleep quality.

Sleep disorders

One includes sleep disorders because the same part in the brain that controls mood and sleep can also control the pain you wake up with.

Morning migraines are often caused by insomnia.

This condition can make it difficult to get enough sleep. It keeps you awake when you try to fall asleep and wakes you up after you have fallen asleep.

You may also have sleep problems like narcolepsy or sleepwalking, as well as sudden changes in your sleep schedule, such as oversleeping and sleep loss.

Many people with sleep disorders report that they also experience sleep movement disorders such as sleep bruxism, where people grind or clench teeth unknowingly while sleeping, and restless leg syndrome (where they feel extremely uncomfortable). “pins and needles”The sensation of pain in the lower limbs during sleep is followed by intense desire to move them.

Morning headaches can also be a sign of sleep apnoea. Many people don’t realize they have it.

This condition causes the airways and lungs to contract at night, temporarily stopping the ability to breathe.

This can cause headaches, fatigue, and snoring throughout the night.

When should you see a doctor?

Everyone has headaches from now on. The Mayo Clinic says that headaches should be seen by a doctor.

  1. Occur more frequently than usual
  2. Are more severe than normal
  3. With the right use of over-the counter drugs, you can make your condition worse or better.
  4. Restrict you from sleeping, working, or engaging in other normal activities
  5. Do they cause you distress? You would like to be able to control them.


If you have headaches, it is important to seek immediate medical attention.

  • Trouble understanding or confusion of speech
  • Fainting
  • High fever (more than 102 F to104 F) (39 C to 40% C).
  • Paralysis, weakness or numbness on one side of your body
  • Stiff neck
  • Trouble seeing
  • Trouble speaking
  • Trouble walking
  • Nausea and vomiting, if they aren’t clearly connected to the flu or hangover.

Mental and physical health issues

Chronic morning headaches can also be caused by anxiety and depression.

Chronic headaches and migraines can also be caused by medicines such as aspirin and withdrawal effects from pain medication, ergots, and caffeine.

It is not surprising that headaches can also be caused by alcohol. A day of drinking water, taking painkillers, and sleeping more will usually cure headaches.

Sometimes, headaches can be a sign of a more severe health condition. However, this is very rare.

Regular headaches can be a sign of underlying conditions. It’s worth speaking to a doctor if the symptoms aren’t obvious.

Headaches are a hallmark of brain tumors. This is in addition to vision and speech problems, as well as changes in mental function, such memory difficulties, and vision problems.

Headaches can also result from stroke and high blood pressure.


How can I get rid of my headaches?

  • Cold packA cold pack can be applied to your forehead to help with migraines. A towel wrapped with frozen peas or ice cubes can help reduce the pain. The compress should be kept on the head for at least 15 minutes. After that, take a break and rest for another 15 minutes.
  • Heating padYou can use a heating pad to reduce tension headaches. Warm a damp cloth over the sinuses if you are suffering from a headache. You might also try a warm shower.
  • Take the pressure off your head.It can cause headaches if your ponytail is too tight. These are the best ways to avoid headaches. “external compression headaches”This can be achieved by wearing a hat, a headband, or swimming goggles that are too tight. This method is said to work almost immediately by some people.
  • Dim the lightsMigraines can be triggered by bright or flashing lights. If you’re prone to them, cover your windows with blackout curtains during the day and try to wear sunglasses outdoors. Your computer might also benefit from anti-glare screen.
  • Do not chew too hardChewing gum can not only cause pain in your jaw, but also headaches. And it’s not just gum, as the same is true for chewing your fingernails, lips, the inside or your cheeks, or handy objects like pens. If you’re suffering from pain, avoid sticky and crunchy foods and eat small bites. Ask your dentist about a mouthguard if you grind your teeth nightly. This may help to reduce headaches in the morning.
  • Get some caffeine: No, this isn’t a mistake. Even small amounts of caffeine can be used to relieve headaches or boost the effects of painkillers. Too much caffeine can cause sleep disruptions and headaches. Moderation is important.
  • Yoga: Whether it is stretching, yoga, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation, learning how to chill out when you’re in the middle of a headache can help with the pain.
  • Limit alcohol:About one-third of people who suffer from frequent headaches can get migraines from alcohol. Many people have also reported that alcohol can cause cluster headaches and tension.