When you should take them

  • Probiotics to improve general vaginal health won’t work if you don’t have an issue.
  • Probiotics can be beneficial if you have a yeast infection or bacterial vignanosis.
  • Douching, unprotected and other forms of sex can throw off your vaginal bacteria balance.
  • For more information, visit Insider’s Health Reference Library.

Your vagina provides a safe haven for bacteria which is in delicate balance. These bacteria include: Over 70%There are many strains of Lactobacilli that can be helpful. 

These bacteria help maintain the pH level of your vagina.Below 4.5It is acidic enough that it can fight off bad bacteria and fungus infections. 

However, your bacterial balance may be restored You can throw it off By:

  • Sex without a condom
  • Use scented soaps for cleaning your vulva
  • Use a duster

This imbalance can lead to a host of conditions that probiotics could help treat. 

Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosisA condition called BV is one that causes a foul-smelling and greyish discharge.

It happens when “bad”Bacteria can grow in your vagina, and outnumber you. “good” lactobacilli bacteria. A doctor will typically prescribe antibiotics to get rid of the bad bacteria.

Antibiotics are indiscriminately killing, so it is possible for the medicine to wipe out good bacteria as well as the bad. It’s not possible to protect your good bacteria without it.Common for BVs to come back.

Probiotics can help restore your good vaginal bacteria balance, Mitchell states, but only if they contain the specific strains you have, Mitchell adds.

In a2020 studyPeople who had just completed antibiotic treatment for BV were given vaginal suppositories containing L. crispatus (Lactin V) two times per week. The probiotic treatment made people 15% less likely to get recurrences of BV after 12 weeks.

Infection with yeast

Candida albicans, a fungus that grows in the vaginal area can cause yeast infections. Itching, soreness and thick white discharge can all result.

Yeast infections often occur when yeast is present. Good bacteria is scarceIn your vagina. It can occur after you have taken antibiotics, or it can be a part of your body. Natural vaginal environment.

A yeast infection can be treated using over-the counter antifungal drugs. However, yeast infections are not recommended. often come backIf your good bacteria levels aren’t fully recovered.

ASmall 2015 StudyPeople with chronic yeast infections were compared to those who received only antifungal medication for four months and those who received probiotic suppositories in addition. 

People who received probiotic therapy were almost 20% less likely than those who took only anti-fungal medication to get another yeast infection one year later.

To determine if probiotics work for yeast infections, however, it is important to conduct large-scale research.

How to take probiotics

Most probiotics available for women’s and vaginal health are either oral. “there’s very little data suggesting that taking a probiotic by mouth will impact the vaginal bacterial community,”Says Caroline Mitchell, MD, MPHDirector of the Vulvovaginal Disorders ProgramMassachusetts General Hospital.

Mitchell suggests that probiotics taken via a vaginal spray are likely to be more effective. However Mitchell notes that research on the products is still in its early stages.

Lactin V is a product that is moving towards FDA approval.2 x 109Each dose contains colony-forming unitsThis is the same dose as in published studies. It is recommended that you use it for five days immediately after finishing antifungal or antibiotic courses. Then, for three months, twice weekly, to replenish your good bacteria levels.

Insider’s takeaway

Proper balance between good and harmful bacteria is crucial for vaginal health. Probiotics might be beneficial if this happens.

Although more research is needed, vaginal probiotics suppositories could help prevent bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections from returning after treatment.

If you’re not having any vaginal symptoms, you probably don’t need to take any probiotics — you can let your vagina take care of itself.