When You Drink Coffee Before Bed, This Is What Happens

You don’t have to drink coffee within minutes of going to bed for this to occur to feel its lasting effects. Caffeine can stay in your system for hours at a time and can affect your sleep long after its stimulating effects wear off (via Well+Good

). Exactly how long it stays in your system depends on the speed at which you metabolize caffeine.

For instance, if you’re a fast caffeine metabolizer, you may be able to continue drinking coffee later on in the day than those who metabolize caffeine at a slower rate. According to Dr. Dan Reardon, who has studied coffee’s effects, you should stop drinking coffee anywhere from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. if it typically takes you longer to metabolize caffeine.

If you metabolize caffeine at a faster rate, however, your cutoff time can be closer to 5 p.m. “Let’s not forget that even for a fast metabolizer of caffeine, there could still be a cumulative effect of drinking lots of coffee early in the day, which could slow down the rate at which they break down their caffeine later,” Dr. Reardon told Well+Good. In that case, it’s a good rule of thumb to stop drinking coffee around lunchtime.