What To Expect During Your First Prenatal Appointment

Heading into your first visit and wondering what to expect is common for new moms. While some practitioners establish their own checklists, most providers follow a general framework for the first prenatal checkup.

First, your practitioner may perform a general health check-up that includes an exam of your major organs, including your heart, lungs, and breasts. Next, your doctor may run an extensive series of testing, starting with a pregnancy test. This test is usually performed via a urine or blood sample to both confirm pregnancy and check your hCG levels. Other common tests you can expect are blood sugar evaluation, STD testing, and a pap smear, according to What to Expect


After your testing is complete, your doctor may give you a calculated due date and you may be asked about your health history. This is typically a good time to address any concerns you might have over the course of your pregnancy. One of the final steps of the first prenatal visit is the ultrasound, which for new moms can be one of the most exciting. This ultrasound will not only look for your baby’s heartbeat, but it will also look for the possibility of another fetus as well, according to WebMD
