What to Expect during your First Colonoscopy

After the procedure, it is important to arrange for a ride home. Due to the effects of sedation, many facilities require your rider to be a family member, friend, or rideshare driver. Keep Up-to-Date

). You should arrive at least an hour prior to your procedure and bring loose, comfortable clothes that you can put on easily afterward.

After you arrive, nurses will prepare your body for the procedure. After removing jewelry and clothing, you will be changed into a hospital gown. A urine sample can be taken from women to confirm negative pregnancy test results. Some patients are concerned about the possibility of feeling exposed and may feel embarrassed. The doctor will not be focusing on your backside but will examine your entire body. New York-Presbyterian. Then your vitals will be monitored, and you’ll receive an IV line into your arm where hydration and sedation can be administered, per UpToDate.