What to do after a car accident? 


While driving on a road or highway in Santa Rosa, you might follow all the rules, but everyone doesn’t need to do the same. This is why accidents take place. Sometimes it is not your fault, but you have to pay the price. Moreover, physical damage is destructive and can create a lifelong impact on your body. Along with physical damage, there will be damage to your car also. But you don’t have to take all the burden if you choose to go through the legal process. 

Some people don’t know there is no need to bear all the burden. However, they file a case of personal injury and claim car insurance. However, to do all this work, you need a Santa Rosa car accident attorney who will do the work on your behalf. 

Moreover, some people don’t know what steps to take after an accident. Which is why they have to suffer. But after a car accident, if you immediately contact the car accident attorney, then the process of recovery will be easier for you. 

Things to do immediately after a car accident 

Intentionally no one does accidents, but still, there will be damage that both parties have to bear. If you don’t have any mistakes and are the victim of an accident, then you must follow the steps below. 

Await for assistance

To notify other drivers to slow down, switch off your engine, put on your warning lights, and use the road lights in your emergency car pack.

The National Insurance Crime Bureau also cautions about bandit towing. These are tow truck drivers that stop and offer to help even if you didn’t call them. It may be a con. 

Stay calm 

The first step that you have to do is stay calm. Although you may not be injured, it is better not to react immediately. If you are in good condition, try to park your car on the roadside so that traffic will not disrupt. Do not indulge in a heated argument with the other person who has hit your car. This might be the worst and can be harmful to you. 

Call the Police

After the accident, if you are in good condition and can move your body, bring your phone and call the police. Moreover, if you are not in a condition to call, tell someone to call the police. Furthermore, even if you do not have any injury still, as per law, it is essential to call the police to make a report of the accident within 24 hours. If you want to file a claim, this initial report is very important. 

Try to collect evidence from the sight 

If you are able to move, you must collect the evidence on the spot. Moreover, you should take photos of both cars. This will be the main evidence in your case. Furthermore, photos will help to understand the damage to both the cars and the position of the cars if they are not moved from their respective position. Also, try to capture weather conditions if it is raining and the roads are wet. 

Notify your insurance provider and begin the claims procedure.

After the accident, it is essential to file an insurance claim. But with insurance companies, it is not an easy process. This is why it is essential to hire a car accident attorney who will deal with the company and get you an insurance claim. To get the insurance, you must produce all the evidence, and an accident attorney will do everything. Moreover, accidents disturb the person, and running for an insurance claim is hectic at that time. 

Over to you 

Accidents can disrupt your daily life and can make an impact on your financial life also. This is why knowing all the steps to take after an accident is important. Furthermore, it is important to call an accident lawyer who will deal with all the legal things after the accident. Car accident attorneys will manage everything from getting insurance to dealing with personal injury. 

Due to the driver’s negligence, you have to face the repercussions even if it is not your fault. If you meet with such a condition, then immediately call an accident lawyer who will guide you properly. 


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