What is the white bump on your eyelid?

Milia are usually caused by dead skin cells or skin damage. They will eventually disappear. It doesn’t matter what the location of Milia is, it’s best to not pop them or remove them. Instead, try an exfoliator to get rid of dead skin cells (per). WebMD). They can be relieved by massaging gently or using a warm, damp cloth to rub the chalazias and styes. Contacts, makeup and popping them can make the problem worse. 

Xanthelasma can be a sign of a cholesterol problem. However, eyelid bumps won’t disappear by themselves. A healthcare professional may prescribe a statin to lower cholesterol and home treatment could include diet changes and lifestyle modifications. They can be removed by a healthcare professional who will either cut, freeze, or use certain chemicals.

You should seek medical attention if you have bumps that are causing you concern. You may be prescribed antibiotics because styes or chalazia both depend on bacteria. You may be offered draining or other removal options by your doctor.

There are several things you can do that will help to reduce the chances of getting eyelid bumps. The most important is to wash your hands. Healthline

. WebMD suggests that you keep your contact lenses clean and disinfected whenever you touch your eyes. Avoid using makeup on your eyes for more than an hour. Avoid heavy creams and excessive skin exfoliation to maintain healthy cholesterol.