What Happens When You Sleep with a Mouth Guard?

Bad news: Mouth guards won’t stop people from grinding their teeth. The good news is that mouth guards won’t stop someone from grinding their teeth. Mayo ClinicAccording to the author, bruxism is rooted in personality, stress levels, and genetic factors. These points must be addressed as soon as possible to avoid bruxism. Even the American Dental Association

Stress reduction is recommended as a way to treat the condition.

Even though they can’t cure bruxism completely, mouth guards are still very useful tools. A person suffering from bruxism can wear a mouthguard at night to create a buffer between their upper and lower teeth. The buffer is often softer than actual teeth and reduces pressure between them. The American Sleep Association

This cushion is said to reduce pressure on the teeth and can also help with jaw pain. Every mouthguard is unique to the individual who wears it. Some are universally available or can be custom-made to suit your needs. Others fall somewhere in the middle.

Mouth guards are not a cure for bruxism. They can reduce pain but only if worn every night. You’ll need your mouth guard no matter what, regardless of how silly it may sound or how uncomfortable it can make you feel.