What does the Nine of Wands Tarot Card mean?

THE Nine of Wands tarot represents the final obstacle before achieving your goal.

This is the final test of your resilience and determination.


The minor arcana card hints that your hard work will pay offCredit: Getty Images

What does the upright Nine of Wands tarot mean?

The Nine of Wands card indicates that you might be tired or burned out. But you’re ready to put in the effort to succeed.

When you feel defeated or when things seem not going your way, the upright card may come in handy. This is a sign to keep going, because the universe will test your resolve. Each challenge you face will help you grow in strength.

Do not give up no matter what, and never stop trying. The Nine of Wands signifies that you are much closer to the finish than you think.

Last but not least, it is important that you set boundaries and keep them in place. Don’t let others drain your energy or stop you from achieving your goals. You can rely on others to help you.

What does the reversed Nine of Wands Tarot signify?

The reversed Nine of Wands card is more indicative of your struggle to achieve your goals. If you’re experiencing setbacks and never seem to get better, you might feel more inclined towards giving up.

Reversed cards, just like the Nine of Wands standing upright, encourage you to keep fighting. The reversed card reminds you that you already have strength and resilience. Now it is time to harness those strengths to face the challenges ahead.

Reversed Nine of Wands could also indicate that you feel isolated and overwhelmed by your situation.

You should not give up if you sense that this feeling is temporary. Seek guidance if you feel overwhelmed and unable to see a way out.


Both upright and reversed Nine of Wands call on you to keep fighting through your obstaclesCredit: Getty Images

The tarot may also represent a fear that is manifesting within you, that is not necessarily reality. Do not let the belief that you are unfairly being targeted by others and that everyone wants you down be your focus.

Don’t worry about what others think. Focus only on your own goals.

What are the Major Arcana Tarot cards?

The Fool – Beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, a free spirit

The Magician – manifestation, resourcefulness, power

The High Priestess – intuition, sacred knowledge, divine feminine

The Empress – Femininity, beauty, nature

The Emperor – authority, establishment, structure

The Hierophant – spiritual wisdom

The Lovers – love, harmony, relationships

The Lovers – love, harmony, relationships

The Chariot – control, willpower, success

Justice – fairness, truth, law

Strength – strength, courage, influence

The Hermit – soul searching, inner guidance

Wheel of Fortune – good luck, karma, life cycles 

The Hanged Man – pause, surrender, letting go

Death – endings, change, transitions

Temperance – balance, moderation, patience

The Devil – shadow self, addiction, restriction

The Tower – sudden change, upheaval, chaos

The Star – hope, faith, purpose, spirituality

The Moon – illusion, fear, anxiety

Central Recorder – positivity, fun, warmth, success

Judgment – rebirth, inner calling

The World – completion, accomplishment, travel


What is the difference between Major and Minor Arcana cards?

Major Arcana Cards are for major life events. Minor Arcana Cards are for everyday events.

The Minor Arcana cards are not always the whole picture, but they are just as important. The scope of our daily lives is enhanced by our day-today efforts. However, our experiences add up to what we call the larger picture.

Major Arcana cards carry more weight than Minor Arcana cards in a reading.

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