What Counts As A Green Food On Noom?

If you’re wondering why there’s no calorie counts for green foods, Noom explains that “the more green the better!” But why? According to USA Today, since green foods are so nutrient-rich with a low calorie density, no limit is given. Plus, these foods also help you feel fuller.

As a bonus, entire meals can be made around green-approved foods. For instance, a homemade Greek salad (i.e. leafy greens, tomatoes, red onions), plus a slice of whole-grain toast, is a complete green meal (via Noom). To make it even more filling, Noom suggests pairing it with yellow foods such as hard-boiled eggs, hummus, or grilled chicken breast.

Still unsure how to structure your plate with Noom? Women’s Health suggests following this rule when building daily meals: Green foods should represent 30% of food choices, while yellow foods should make up 45%, and red foods 25%.

Keep in mind, the color system isn’t meant to label green foods as “good” and red foods as “bad.” Instead, think of the color system as a guide to nutrient density, teaching you how to identify which foods give you the most nutritious bang for your buck. Before starting Noom, talk to your physician if you have any serious medical conditions or food allergies/intolerances.