Today’s Horoscope, Saturday July 16, 2009: Daily guide to your star sign’s predictions for your Zodiac dates


March 21-April 2

Jupiter’s ability to win and retain an audience is on a roll. One joke or story you write can even be global.

Be extra careful around your family and friends as you might reveal more than you intend to.

Love-wise, you’re ready to take one big step, and the final choice on what this should be can be made today.



A smile on a stairway can be the beginning of a new romance


April 21 to Mai 21

Mercury makes what you say – and how you say it – so in tune with other people’s hidden feelings.

This makes your matchmaker very special. You can offer your help, but be aware of your limitations.

Your own romance profile is strong and you’ll go the extra mile, but in return you expect total loyalty.


May 22 – June 21

There are two sides of your chart. The first is a sensitive view of travel and how you can make it work for you.

This could include merging many different ideas into one agenda.

Venus harmony is also strong, making you a great love peacemaker.

The days of feeling ignored at work are over.


June 22 to July 22,

Your own sign is fired up thanks to the sun and Mercury – and this intensifies your ability to “read”All kinds of minds and hearts.

Do not trust first impressions. In love terms, you are deeply loyal, but inside you know when it’s time to expect more from a partner.


July 23-August 23

An emotionally intense moon brings big feelings to the surface – and you should look for ways to share them.

The time of pretending has ended and you are ready for a new phase in honesty.

While love words might seem confusing at first, they are clear when you take the time to really listen.


August 24 to September 22,

All your dreams related to healing are now solidifying and ready to come true.

You can also call a friend from school to help you get to the next stage.

A location that’s felt out of reach is back in focus, and plans can speed up very quickly.

Although passion may seem selfish, it is a gift from God.


September 23-October 23

Trusting to know when to stick with a career path, and when to switch, is Neptune’s No1 chart lesson.

It can take just a few minutes to talk or read about a new direction.

Routine appointments are a great way to meet a new person, even though they may seem less friendly initially. However, you will soon be captivated by their kindness and warmth.


October 24 – November 22

Although you may have experienced a lot of changes and difficulties, this is what makes you stronger.

If you have to be strong or assertive, you can. Instead of worrying about doubts, you can put them to good use.

While love is tied to reality shows, there’s still room to dream.


November 23 – December 21

Keeping communication lines open is the key to personal truth – so instead of insisting on an exact answer, try asking a different question.

This is the perfect day to try new activities and ideas for fun.

You should be looking for a place that is known for its unique music.

Kids’ names can be rearranged in lucky ways.


December 22 to January 20,

It’s not always easy for you to share responsibility but right now your chart makes this work.

Sugest a new system at work or at home.

A favourite TV face reveals a message you can’t ignore – and blending two family skill sets opens a door to a surprise future.

Luck is known for wearing fluorescent shoes.


February 21-February 18

Let go of any unnecessary things in your life.

You may be surprised at the results of taking time to reflect on what you already have and buying.

Although an older relative might seem stubborn, it is possible to look deeper. It is possible to start cash conversations over again.


February 19-20, 2019

Love secrets – from buried criticisms to hidden crushes – can be shared today.

These after-effects are often quite surprising and can highlight just how amazing and loved you can be.

If you’re in a rush to start a journey, this can happen sooner than you think. For now, however, it’s important to take the time and make sure your plans are complete.

Mystic Meg’s latest Horoscopes reading

CapricornCapricorns are born between December 22-January 20. They have a tendency towards being resourceful, practical, patient, dedicated, and ambitious.

AquariusAquarius, the free-spirited water sign, was born between February 21 and February 18.

PiscesPisces is the last Zodiac star sign and its symbol is a fish.

AriesAries is the first Zodiac sign and its symbol is a ram.

TaurusTaurus, the second Zodiac sign, has the bull as its symbol.

GeminiGemini is the third Zodiac sign. Its symbol depicts the twins Castor & Pollox.

Cancer– The fourth Zodiac sign is Cancer, and the symbol for it is the crab.

LeoLeo, which falls between July 23rd to August 23rd, is the fifth sign within the Zodiac.

VirgoVirgo is the sixth sign on the Zodiac Calendar. It is represented by a maiden or virgin symbol.

LibraLibras are an air sign and compatible with Geminis (Leo), Sagittarius (Sagittarius), and Aquarius.

ScorpioScorpios, who are ruled by Pluto, are most compatible with Cancer, Capricorn, and Pisces.

Sagittarius– Sagittarius’ symbol is an archer. They are best matched with Aries, Aquarius, and Leo.

ZODIAC SIGNS: What is a star sign? How do you find yours?