This Unexpected Food Can Help You Prevent Heart Disease

Heart disease refers to any of a number of conditions that can affect the heart. Many people mistakenly refer to heart disease as cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease refers to heart disease as well as conditions that affect the veins and arteries (via). Mayo Clinic

). Coronary artery disease (CAD), the most common type, is the leading cause of heart disease. The arteries that supply blood to your heart muscle become narrowed or blocked by CAD. This can cause irregular heartbeats, chest pain, or a heart attack. Arrhythmias and congenital heart defects are also possible.

Heart disease is one the most common causes of death in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and PreventionEvery year, approximately 660,000 Americans die from heart disease. Heart disease can be caused by many factors, including smoking, obesity and high blood pressure. WebMD). Some risk factors can be managed, while others are not. The type of heart disease you have will determine the treatment options available to you. Sometimes lifestyle changes like exercising regularly and eating healthy foods can be enough to maintain your heart health. In other cases, medication may be required. Talking to your doctor is important if you are at risk for developing heart disease.