These five ingredients can help reduce your risk of developing a disease and also help you lose weight.

Taking care of your health and diet is one of the best ways to reduce your chance of developing diabetes.

To prevent people from developing diabetes, the NHS has launched a number of campaigns to encourage weight loss.


Diabetes can be a concern. However, one expert said that there are five essential ingredients that you should be eating each day to avoid the condition.Credit: Getty

Obesity is believed to account for 80-85 per cent of the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and this is usually because obesity causes increased levels of fatty acids and inflammation.

This could lead to insulin resistance, which can then lead to type 2 diabetes.

With type 1 diabetes, a person’s pancreas produces no insulin.

Type 2 cells become resistant to insulin. Therefore, a higher amount of insulin is required to maintain blood glucose levels within a normal range.

You should always consult your doctor if you have diabetes and are considering changing your diet or lifestyle.

Central Recorder Lifesum’sDr Alonapulde explained that diabetes can lead to debilitating, fatal complications.

She explained that diabetes can increase your risk for heart disease. It can also lead to poor circulation, which can eventually lead to the amputation or loss of limbs, impaired kidneys that ultimately require dialysis and blindness.

“Diet change, particularly to a whole foods plant based diet (rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes), is the number one thing that can help prevent and even reverse diabetes”She said so.

Dr Pulde outlined five key ingredients to increase your diabetes risk.

1. Fruits

Dr Pulde explained that all fruits are high in vitamins, minerals antioxidants and phytochemicals which promote optimal health.

“They are high in fibre, which slows down digestion and stabilizes blood sugars.

“Many fruits also have a low GI index, helping to control blood sugar levels.”

Multiple studies have demonstrated that fruit is good for weight loss, due to its high level of antioxidants.

The fibre in fruits can also help improve gut health. fuller for longerThis in turn makes it difficult to reach for the biscuit tin.

2. Vegetables

Along with fruit, vegetables are nature’s multivitamin, full of health boosting vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidants.

“They are also rich in fibre and low in salt and fat, a combination that helps regulate blood sugar levels”Dr Pulde agreed.

StudiesStudies have shown that adding variety to your diet can lead to weight loss.

Another study Published in 2011. found that participants who increased their fruit and vegetable intake by one serving a day lost weight over a six-month period.

3. Legumes

Legumes, also called pulses, lentils and beans, are rich in protein, fibre, and low in fat.

Dr Pulde explained that “they are also low in the Glycaemic Index, which helps to regulate blood sugar levels.”

“Choose the low sodium or no added salt variety for the most benefit. “

One studyThe previous study compared people who ate four times as many legumes per week to those who ate no legumes.

The researchers found that a diet containing legumes led to a clinically significant improvement on some metabolic characteristics in obese/overweight subjects.

4. Whole grains

It can be difficult for people to tell you what carbs you should eat. However, Dr Pulde states that whole grains are high in fibre. This helps to keep you fuller longer and lowers blood sugar.

She explained that fibre-packed foods can not only reduce diabetes risk but also lower heart disease (a condition that increases the risk of developing diabetes).

“And fibre assists with weight loss which is beneficial in preventing and reversing diabetes.”

5. Nuts/seeds

For people who want to prevent diabetes, nuts and seeds are great sources of protein, fibre, healthy fats, and other nutrients.

Dr Pulde stated that this combination not only provides satiation, but also promotes heart and heart health. This is important because diabetics are at higher risk for heart disease.

“Nuts are a calorie-dense food and should be eaten in moderation, especially if weight loss is a goal.”

Dr Pulde stated that studies have shown that following a plant based diet is good for diabetes prevention and treatment.

The Lifesum appYou can find recipes and meal plans to inspire you, and trackers will help you keep track of your fruit and vegetable intake.