These Common Warning Signs Of Suicidal Thoughts Are Easy To Miss

September is National Suicide Prevention and Awareness Month. However, awareness and prevention are still important as we progress into fall.

While it’s true that many suicidal people will never let on to their true feelings, it isn’t always the case. Sometimes the warning signs are right in front. We just don’t see them that way. 

These are the most obvious warning signs that suicide is easy to miss.

Dangerous Or Reckless Behavior

This one might seem obvious at first, but we tend to permit certain types of recklessness. It is easy to identify suicide by committing self-harm in obvious ways like cutting. 

Getting blackout drunk every night, however, isn’t. Reckless driving is not an option. We’ll call these actions “acting wild” or, my personal favorite, “being a regular twenty-something-year-old.”

Unsafe sexual activity is another warning sign. We will often ridicule women who engages in dangerous sex. Thus, we’re quick to overlook this sign.

Non-suicidal people will not engage in these actions if there is a risk of harm or death. For a suicidal person, it’s the only reason to act that way.

Drastic Changes In Appearance

A major change in appearance can be a sign that a person is feeling disconnected from their body. This can be a sign of a negative change in appearance. In others, it’s just different. 

A person who is normally neat and tidy might suddenly become unorganized. A common symptom of depression is an inability to do simple self-care. Doing simple self-care includes taking a shower and brushing your teeth. 

Alternatively, a person could make major changes that aren’t bad or good. They may cut off their hair completely or change the color. 

(Stock-Asso / Shutterstock)

A sudden increase in tattoos or piercings can also be a red flag. Not everyone with body mods is in poor mental health. Body mods can cause physical trauma. 

It is important that the body has time to heal. A person who has had major back surgery could feel disconnected from their body. They use these mods to feel something.

Drastic Changes In Personality

Similarly, a person might have sudden personality changes. This can happen in many ways depending on the individual. 

Suicidal people can experience major mood swings. Inexplicably, a person may become angry or irritated. These episodes can occur even if there are no triggers. 

Mania, a common symptom of bipolar disorder, is another warning sign. Mania, which can appear as positive emotions on the surface, is easy to overlook. One person may seem happy or motivated. 

Someone who is manic might have big goals for their life and career. They might make irresponsible decisions—like spending out of their means—to carry out those plans. 

In this case, it’s all about context. What’s the normal personality of this person? What are their current actions? It could be a sign of trouble if the two behave differently.

Don’t Give Away Money or Things.

Generosity can be a blessing. But if a person suddenly starts giving away their belongings and money, it could signify they don’t plan on using them for much longer. 

Some religions, like Buddhism, encourage the rejection of earthly possessions. It’s also possible that someone with excess wealth might suddenly feel compelled to share it with the needy. 

So, again, it’s crucial to look at the entire picture. Is the person giving up things they might use every day like their car, or their favourite clothes? Is the person giving away more than they can afford? 

It might be time for them to talk with you.

Pushing Loved Ones Away

Depressed people will often withdraw from others

. One person may choose to be by themselves, cancelling or avoiding plans. This might seem flaky to someone who is not suicidal. 

In reality, it’s easier for a depressed person to be away from others. Depression can make people feel like they’re a burden, or that no one really cares about them. 

Even if they had a whole group of people supporting them, they still felt unwelcome. They avoid having to confront what they believe is true and withdraw from all social situations. 

Others might be pushed away by suicidal people more often. They might hurt a loved one’s feelings, so the other person is more likely to leave them alone. 

Our egos can make it difficult for us to recognize these actions as a cry out for help and not an attack.

Self Deprecating Humor

Our culture is quick to use—and write off—self-deprecating humor. We’ve normalized phrases like “I want to kill myself” and “kill me now” as hyperbolic humor and nothing more. 

Humor can be a great coping tool, but it can also depress us from actual help cries. If a person is constantly joking about offing themselves, we might assume that’s just their sense of humor. 

However, studies show a positive correlation between those who use this humor and those who are suicidal. It is a warning sign that many prevention agencies have identified. 

Suicide and mental health are still stigmatized. Sometimes it can be awkward to turn a joke into serious conversation. However, it can be a matter for life or death. 

Using humor as a coping mechanism is not inherently bad. You don’t necessarily have to tell a depressed person to stop. You just need to let them know that you’re there to help them when they need it.

One Or More Risk Factors

Some suicidal people are great at hiding their feelings. They can appear happy and hopeful despite their inner feelings. 

Therefore, it might be better to look for risk factors. All ages, races, genders can be affected by depression. There is no single way to become suicidal. There are many factors that can contribute to suicidal behavior. 

A history of mental disorders is one risk factor for health. Chronic pain conditions could also contribute. Suicide risk can also increase from trauma. 

(panitanphoto / Shutterstock)

Someone’s external environment can pose risks, too. Ready access to lethal means like firearms and drugs increases a person’s risk of death. 

Suicide risk increases with prolonged stress, emotional harassment, as well as disruptive life events. Financial crises and divorce are examples of disruptive life events.

Finally, people’s pasts can often contribute to suicidal feelings. A family history of depression and suicide, previous suicide attempts, or childhood neglect or abuse can all increase a person’s risk for suicide.

How To Help Someone Who Is Suicidal

Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States. It disproportionately affects people of color and Indigenous people. Men also have a greater risk of dying by suicide than women. Statistics show that more women suffer from depression than men. 

If you feel suicidal or know someone who is, get help right away. Online resources include the suicide hotline, online therapy, and online crisis centers

On-site resources include counselors and health care professionals as well as mentors and family members. They are not alone, no matter how depressed they feel. 

Not all deaths are preventable, but suicide is. Learning to recognize the warning signs and risk factors before it’s too late can make all the difference in the world.