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The woman divides the internet by packing clothing into separate bags for each day of her vacation.

A WOMAN has divided opinion for packing her daily outfits into individual bags for each day of her holiday.

Her husband posted a picture of her bags on Reddit, and thousands of people were interested in the packing method.

A woman has divided opinions for packing her daily outfits into individual bags for each day of her holiday credit

The user called rakufman labeled the picture, which shows lots of laundry bags labeled with the days of the week: “My wife is so organized she packs zipper bags with her outfits for each day on vacation.”

The picture has been upvoted more than 18,000 times on the site since it was uploaded earlier today and has been commented on more than 1,000 times.

One user said: “I can’t decide if that’s genius or mental,” while another added: “Genius and discipline.”

One person said: “My mother did that when we went on vacation. She’d pack shirts, shorts, socks, and underwear into Ziploc bags with our initials on them and deal one out to each kid each day. I thought it was genius. I still think it is.”

But others were less sure, with one saying: “100% mental. I can guarantee this system lasts one day into the vacation. Then she goes ‘it’s sunny out, I should wear that nice top from the Friday bag.'”

Another user didn’t hold back with their criticism, saying: “Absolutely mental. One of these days the bags are going to be labeled Head, Leg, Arm, Torso, etc.”

Last year, one seasoned packer revealed their packing technique that gets five days worth of clothes and accessories into a hand luggage-sized bag.

They said: “I stopped rolling and folding and my clothes are less wrinkled when I arrive and I can carry more in the same space. I can also pack for a week in just a few minutes.”

Instead, they tried a stacking technique for their clothes, instead of the classic roll or fold.

They explained the process by saying: “I lay my first item on the floor or bed. Next, I place the next item 90 degrees above it.

“I keep rotating 90 degrees, layering until everything is in a pile.

“I finish with my underwear and socks on top in the middle. Then I fold all four corners and shove it in my suitcase.”

They also said that they could carry five days’ worth of clothes, two pairs of shoes, and toiletries, plus make-up, in a small bag.

One seasoned packer revealed their packing technique that gets five days worth of clothes and accessories into a hand luggage-sized bag