Categories: HealthPublic Health

The Real Reason Not Everyone Can Donate Hair

While length requirements will vary by organization, the most common standard is between 8-14 inches (via Cancer.Net). Important to remember that measurements should not start at the top of your head. Donations of hair are usually accepted in the form a ponytail. You will need to measure the healthy hair starting at the ponytail. If the hair is damaged, you can stop measuring where it starts to fray.

Hairstyles, hair treatments and hairstyles are all considered. Cancer.Net states that some organizations won’t accept hair that has been dyed, highlighted or bleached. Some organizations won’t accept hair that has been permed, dreadlocked or highlighted. You will also find different requirements for gray hair. Be sure to consult your organization’s guidelines.

Hair cleanliness is also important. Hair will need to be clean and dry in order to be accepted for donation, so refrain from using any hair products (via Verywell Health). According to Wigs for Kids, should hair become wet or soiled, it may mold during transit and become unusable, so proper packaging of hair is also important. There are alternatives for those who are not eligible to donate hair due to their length. Organizations, such as Matter of Trust

, accept donations of shorter length including everything from hair, to feathers, to laundry lint to make mats that aid in soaking up oil spills.