The Proven Solution to Menopause-Induced Sleeplessness We Can Get Behind

The only way to overcome the frustrations of menopause is for busy women. “deal with it.” Our schedules don’t slow down because we had a horrible night’s sleep or are having our fourth hot flash of the day. While the latter can be managed with a hands-off approach, a new study suggests that the former should be treated more sensitively. 

Menopause can bring on many unpleasant symptoms, including sleep disturbances. Sleep disturbances can affect our mood, concentration and immune system. However, according to a Recent study published in MenopauseYou might find the answer at your local spa, or with your significant other. 

A foot massage is not just a luxury treat for yourself. It can be used as an alternative to hormonal treatment for menopause-induced sleeplessness.

Massage Therapy: The Science Behind It


Turkish researchers divided 70 postmenopausal women into control and experimental groups. Each day, for a week the experimental group was treated to a 20-minute foot massage. The control group was left untreated. 

The results of the study showed that the sleep and stress statistics in the two groups were significantly different. People in the experimental group experienced less fatigue and stress. They also slept an average hour more per night than the control group.

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So what is it that makes a foot rub so powerful. 

According to The Institute for Integrative Healthcare, it all comes down to hormones—specifically serotonin and melatonin. The precursor to melatonin is serotonin. If the body produces less serotonin (like during menopause), then it can’t produce melatonin to prepare the body for sleep. Massage therapy increases melatonin production by increasing the levels of serotonin. 

A 2020 Chinese studySimilar results were obtained after analysing the effects of foot reflexology upon sleep disturbances. Foot reflexology, which is basically a massage, involves applying pressure on specific points of your feet. According to the study, foot reflexology is effective in relieving pain and inflammation. “foot reflexology produces significant improvements in sleep disturbances.”

Scientifically Proven Self Care


In a perfect world, we’d have ample time and money for self-care practices like massage therapy. However, this is not a perfect world. Massages are often delegated. “if I ever had the time, which I don’t” category. These studies prove that a massage can be more than a treat for the wallet. It’s medicinal. 

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Regular foot massages can improve your sleep quality, whether you are able to book a professional masseuse or have your partner help. You have enough things on your plate to worry about—how tired you are should not be one of them. 

And if you prefer to do your massages solo, that’s an option too. The Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals outline Five easy self-massage methods on

  1. Ankle circling Place your right foot on your left thigh. Both hands can be used to rotate your foot at the ankle.
  2. The only rub: One hand should be placed on top of the foot, and the other one on your sole. In short, circular movements, rub your feet together.
  3. Toe stretchUse one hand to gently stretch your feet back. Gently tap the sole of your feet with one hand to increase blood circulation.
  4. T-shape fan:Both thumbs should be used to sweep your sole. To stretch your foot, move your thumbs toward the opposite ends of the foot.
  5. Thumb circling You can move your thumbs across the sole in rhythmic, kneading movements. suggests that you roll your foot on a tennisball while seated if reaching for your feet feels uncomfortable. Another option is to place a few marbles on the floor and gently rub your feet across them. 

Effective, non-hormonal solution

Whatever method you use to receive your massages, science has proven that it works. This is something we 100% support. This therapy is an alternative to hormone medication, melatonin, and staring at the dark ceiling at 3 AM. Yet again

As far as we’re concerned, these scientific findings are the definition of a win-win. The best case scenario is that a massage reduces menopause-related sleeplessness and increases mood, concentration and stress tolerance. Worst case, you get to relax and enjoy a relaxing massage without any guilt. And that’s the best kind of self-care.

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