The Best Sleep Supplement, Better than Melatonin and Helps You Get Energized Every Morning

Magnesium can be used to enhance your sleep quality. According to the Sleep Foundation, a lack of magnesium in your diet can make you feel tired and weak and also interfere with your ability to get a proper night’s sleep. How to get a good night’s sleep 2012 double-blind study

A study of elderly patients with sleep disorders that was published in The Journal of Research in Medical Sciences showed that supplementing with magnesium for eight week improved many symptoms of insomnia such as sleep onset, overall sleep duration, early morning waking, and sleep efficiency. Research also showed that magnesium supplementation is associated with higher levels hormones linked to sleep quality, such as cortisol and melatonin.

Magnesium bisglycinate (also known as magnesium diglycinate and magnesium glycinate), is the most popular type of magnesium supplement. Magnesium bisglycinate reproduces the natural form of magnesium found in food (via). CTV NewsSo it is easier to digest. According to Mayo ClinicMagnesium supplements are safe and generally do not cause side effects, unless taken in large doses. High doses can cause nausea, cramping, diarrhea and abdominal cramping. According to Transparent Labs

, with magnesium bisglycinate you get maximum benefits of magnesium — and get them sooner — thanks to its high absorbability compared to non-bisglycinate magnesium supplements, and you get a better alternative to melatonin.