The Best Exercises to Improve Balance

When all else fails: Squat. Squats are essential for any exercise program. This move will cause a major workout in your lower body. Your quads, hamstrings and calves will all be energized, as well as your lower back, knee joints, and thighs. Medical News Today

. This strengthening action will also help to improve your balance.

You can boost your balance with a simple squat. Stand in a normal standing position with your feet slightly wider than your hips. Next, lower your hips and thighs until your legs are parallel to the ground. To do this, ensure that your weight doesn’t shift forward and you are driving through your heels. For a complete set, push through your heels until you reach the bottom. Do this 10 times. If squats are not an easy move, you can place a chair under you and lower into it, without your hands supporting you. Then, stand up.