Tesla car detects ‘ghost’ while driving through cemetery – can you spot it?

GHOSTS don’t exist, right?

Tesla cars seem to think so, as it picked one up at a cemetery.


A group of friends was driving along a cemetery road when their Tesla informed them that someone was close.Credit: Tiktok / nojumper

TikTok VideoThis week, a group of friends was driving through a cemetery at night and their car made the startling discovery.

The friends were driving through the dark streets when suddenly they noticed a person at the other side of the road.

The alert is usually displayed to inform the driver of a nearby person they can contact in an accident.

However, when they looked outside, there was no one out there – there was just a tombstone.

A group of people panicked and started screaming, believing they were being chased by ghosts.

The driver, trying to prove his point, shouted: “I told you!”

The second person quickly interjected and said: “Fine, I believe you!”

As a third shouted in the background, a fourth person spoke: “Your Tesla sees dead people!”

Many skeptical commenters rushed to post their thoughts after the video. They believed that Tesla was simply picking up tall tombstones. “people.”

One person wrote: “Anyone who has Teslas knows that it is just detecting taller tombstones.

“It does this all the time with trash cans and human-sized objects.”

But, another one believed it was a ghost. “Somethings you just do not do if you want peace in your life.”

One third claimed to have even seen it. “an orb”The car was driven by “the ghost.”

Let us know what you think. What do you think?


An orb was also seen outside the car by people.Credit: Tiktok / nojumper

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