Scientists are alarmed that bacteria found in eyedrops can spread between people

Although the imports from overseas of this product were stopped at their source, officials remain concerned about the possibility that the bacteria could spread to the United States. (via The New York Times). It is possible to transmit the bacteria through human contact. The bacteria can live on surfaces like water drains and faucets, so it is possible to contract the disease from contact with these objects. It’s difficult to eradicate,” said Dr. David van Duin of the University of North Carolina School of Medicine. News outlet


Although some patients may not experience any symptoms from an infection, the Connecticut epidemic revealed that others can feel symptoms like eye pain, redness or blurry vision. Other symptoms include eye discomfort, eye swelling, yellowing or greening of the eyes, and light sensitivity. Hospitalized patients are more susceptible than those using ventilators, catheters, and those who have had surgery-related wounds. CDC

). Patients who are experiencing symptoms after using EzriCare and Delsam Pharma artificial tears should seek immediate medical attention.

To send an email CNNAn FDA representative stated their commitment to public health and reiterated that the FDA would continue to monitor the situation and work closely with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and companies involved in recalling affected products.