Researchers discover that infants born via C-section may react differently to common vaccines

In a new study, Nature CommunicationsResearchers compared the immune responses of infants to early childhood vaccines and compared them with those born via C-section and vaginally. Study results showed that babies who were delivered via C section had lower levels antibodies than those born vaginally.

Debby Bogaert was the study’s author. U.S. NewsHowever, this does not mean that C-section babies should not get vaccinated. “Although we observed differences in how the two different groups of babies responded to the vaccines, there was still enough of an immune response in both groups to provide protection against infection,”She explained.

The study focused on vaccinations that protect against certain lung infections, including pneumonia and meningitis. It also examined the delivery method and highlighted differences in vaccine responses between breastfed babies and non-breastfed babies. This shows that formula-fed children have lower antibody counts than those who are breastfed.