My daughter-in law is vegan, so I won’t cater to her Thanksgiving needs.


She stated that she expected her to cook a vegan Thanksgiving meal. But, she refused to do so and asked her daughter in law to bring her own. 


After her son and her daughter-in law told her that they expect vegan Thanksgiving dishes, a woman feels agitated.Credit: Getty


The mother-inlaw said to her daughter-inlaw that she would provide her own food

According to the woman, her son and daughter-in-law are extremely difficult about food.

In an anonymous post to Reddit, the mother-in-law claimed that she previously had issues with her daughter-in-law when she became furious with her for serving her a soup with eggs in it because she’s allergic. 

Before making the dish, she was not warned of her allergies. 

“She literally was scarfing it down and then had a problem afterward since I guess it gives her headaches or something,”The woman wrote. 

“[She loved it]So much, she even asked me for the recipe.

“And when I gave her the list all of a sudden it’s not good anymore.”

The mother-inlaw decided that she would no longer cook for the daughter in-law. 

As the holidays approached, the poster noted that she informed her son’s wife that she would need to provide her own food for Thanksgiving.

“This comes after she became a vegan, and I thought that vegan was short for vegetarian which just meant she couldn’t have meat.

“She told me I needed to ‘educate myself on the vegan lifestyle,’”The woman was remembered. 

She said her son is now angry with her, and she admitted she’s “getting sick of them both.”

While the mother-in-law stands behind her decision, she has mixed feelings about the situation – and so does the internet. 

People were split regarding the woman’s reaction to the drama, with some telling her she was being too defensive. 

“She’s allergic to dairy/eggs, no one told you, and she didn’t ask when you were cooking. 

“That wouldn’t be your fault,”One person spoke up.

“Telling her you won’t cook for her again is an overreaction to finding out she’s allergic,”They continued.

“You basically sound like you don’t give a f**k about either of them and don’t want to make the effort to make either of them feel cared for or welcome,”Another user wrote. 

However, one sympathizer said: “She can’t be mad, you didn’t know [about the eggs]She didn’t advocate for herself. 

“Make a nice salad and be friendly but it is not your job to change everything up just for a woman who has been rude to you.”

It is not unusual for the original poster to feel stressed about Thanksgiving.

OnePoll conducted a survey and found thatAmericans are feeling more stressed than everThis year, enjoy the holiday. 


The son of the woman is mad at her but she said that she was ‘getting sick’ of him as well as his wife.
Credit: Getty
This is the best way to make Thanksgiving Dinner for 8 people for $8.

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