Multigrain bread is good for you.

If you are looking for a healthy bread option, multigrain bread is a good place to start. But it is still important that you read the label. The term “multigrain” means that more than one type of grain was used to make the bread, according to the HuffPost

. Multigrain does NOT necessarily refer to whole grain. However, whole-grain bread may contain multiple grains. For the healthiest choice, Livestrong suggests looking for a multigrain bread that uses 100% whole grains because they include minerals, some B vitamins, and ​​protein your body can use. Multigrain bread also contains fiber.

The average American diet does not provide enough fiber, so choosing bread with high amounts could help lower your cholesterol, blood pressure, and inflammation (via American Society for Nutrition). Avoid bread with high levels of sugars and sodium. HuffPost recommends that a single slice of bread not contain more than 3 grams sugar per serving. Michigan State University

suggests staying under 230 milligrams of sodium per slice.