Mom-to be shares the signs of pregnancy that nobody talks about

There is a lot of information available about pregnancy that most women don’t know about until they are actually pregnant.

In a video she posted on her TikTok account, one TikTok user highlighted exactly that. hilizgoldsteinThis page has been viewed more than 500k times.


Liz shared the signs and symptoms of pregnancy she wasn’t warned aboutCredit: TikTok

Popular TikToker Liz Goldstein shared a list of pregnancy symptoms she is experiencing, which she had no clue she would, and they are very helpful for anyone considering having a child.

Liz, now a mother-of-three posted the video while she was still pregnant with her third child.

Liz was pregnant and had to list the symptoms of pregnancy she didn’t know about.

These symptoms can include depression, nightmares and migraines, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, headaches, fainting, and stuffy nose.

Liz gave birth to her baby boy now and is thankfully free from any pregnancy symptoms.

Liz’s 400k fans could also relate to her symptoms.

One user exclaimed: “The nightmares are insane. The vividness is crazy!”

Another user stated: “OMG the stuffy nose! Why is that a thing it is so annoying!”

“I got all of those! Like bro huh?!?”Replied to Liz by a third user.

Others have shared other symptoms that they experienced during pregnancy that were not mentioned by anyone.

One wrote: “No one told me my nose would get bigger as well.”

Other people discussed having nosebleeds, pregnancy-induced tunnels and tooth pain.

Liz isn’t the only one who opens up about being pregnant and the less-talked-about side-effects.

TikToker is one example. Emily Carman

This video was created by a mum and a make-up artist.

She listed some of the symptoms she didn’t know about before becoming pregnant, including a mucus plug and excessive trapped wind, feeling short of breath, feeling hungry after eating a few bites, and feeling bloated.


Liz is proud to announce the arrival of her baby boy.Credit: TikTok

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