Millions of women suffer from common causes of infertility.

WOMBS can look mysterious, especially when you are trying to get a baby.

Fibroids, which are a common condition in women aged between 30 and 50, can be confusing. 


Although fibroids may not be obvious, they can cause heavy bleeding that can lead to fertility problems.
Credit: Getty

Fibroids (also known as uterine fibroids) are a type of non-cancerous growth that develop in the uterus. This is where unborn babies develop and grow. 

These fibroids may form in the muscle wall or cavity of the uterus and are made up of fibrous and muscle tissue.

The problem is, fibroids, of which there are three different types, can affect fertility, lessening a woman’s chances of conceiving and being able to carry a baby full time.

Sandy Christiansen is an embryologist at the Fertility Coaching Center. Bėa Fertility.

She stated: “If you are diagnosed with fibroids by your GP, early intervention is crucial to minimising the potential impact they could have on your pregnancy.”

Are you having difficulty conceiving? These are some signs that fibroids could be preventing you from conceiving. There may also be other reasons why it might be difficult to fall pregnant. 

What causes fibroids

Although it’s still relatively unknown as to how and why fibroids develop, studies have shown that their presence has been linked to oestrogen levels. 

Most read in Women’s Health

“This means that they tend to develop during a woman’s reproductive years – specifically between the ages of 16 to 50,” says Sandy.

“After this point, during menopause, fibroids tend to shrink as oestrogen levels dip.”

Other factors can also be related to fibroids. 

Sandy adds: “If other members of a woman’s family have been diagnosed with fibroids, it can increase the likelihood that they, too, will develop fibroids at some point in their lifetime. 

“Fibroids have also been found to develop earlier and be more common in women of African-Caribbean origin.

“If you fall into one of these categories and believe you might be at a higher risk of developing fibroids, or experience any symptoms, always get in touch with your GP or a specialist.” 

What are fibroids?

There are three main types, each with its own symptoms. 

Different symptoms can be experienced by each person. Some women may not experience any symptoms. 

“This is why fibroids often go undetected,”Sandy adds that some of the most common symptoms include dizziness or abdominal pain, heavy periods and painful sex.

Sandy adds that in the most serious cases, fibroids can affect a woman’s ability to bear children or carry a baby to term, however this is uncommon.

“They [fibroids]These can make pregnancy more difficult and even lead to infertility. 

“If you’re looking to get pregnant and have been diagnosed with fibroids, a doctor or fertility specialist will be able to support you to approach pregnancy safely.”

Sandy says: “It’s important to raise awareness of the condition so that women who develop fibroids can seek advice and treatment early.”

Three types of Fibroid

The three main types of fibroid are:

  • Intramural: These develop inside the muscle wall of the uterus. You can have a lot of them and they can stretch your lining, increasing the surface area for bleeding.
  • Submucosal: Found just under the surface of the womb lining, these can distort the womb cavity and cause heavy menstrual bleeding.
  • Subserosal: Found on the outside of the uterus, these can result in increased pressure on the uterus.

Fibroids and fertility…

“Of the three types of fibroid, submucosal fibroids are most likely to lead to fertility problems as they grow within the inner lining of the uterus,”Sandy.

“A submucosal fibroid can block a woman’s fallopian tube and prevent an egg from being released or being fertilised by sperm. 

“Depending on its size and position, this type of fibroid can also prevent a fertilised egg from attaching to the womb lining. 

“Women with large fibroids, or clusters of fibroids taking up lots of space in the uterus, may find it difficult to carry a child to full-term.”

Sandy reiterates however that having submucosal fibroids does not necessarily mean you won’t be able to conceive.

Treating fibroids

There are many options for treating fibroids. 

“Often, women will be prescribed medication or injections to shrink the growths,”Jenny Saft (fertility expert and cofounder atApryl.

“If you have larger fibroids, keyhole surgery can be an option to remove the growths. 

“In the most severe cases, a myomectomy or hysterectomy may be performed, but this is always a last resort and is rare.”

Jenny adds that treatment decisions will not only be based on the location and size of fibroids but also factors like age, health, and whether or not a patient plans to have children in the future.

“Women should always carefully consider their options and seek a professional medical opinion before embarking on any course of treatment,”Jenny.

Other factors that could affect fertility

According to the NHS, around one in seven couples might have difficulty conceiving. 

These conditions can also lead to problems with fibroids.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome – (PCOS). “PCOS is a hormonal condition that can make it difficult to get pregnant by causing irregular menstrual cycles or inhibiting ovulation,”Jenny. 

“Often, women with PCOS will take medication to encourage the monthly release of an egg, in order to be able to conceive.”

Hyperthyroidism: Hyperthyroidism, or an overactive thyroid, is another factor, which can affect both men and women’s fertility. 

“In men, it can lead to a lower sperm count, making it harder to conceive,”Jenny adds that it can cause lighter, irregular periods in women which can make it harder to get pregnant. 

Hashimoto’s Disease: “Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, or Hashimoto’s disease, can also lead to pregnancy problems; it’s an autoimmune disease where the thyroid is eventually destroyed,”Jenny adds

Endometriosis: Endometriosis is another condition that can affect fertility. It affects approximately 5% of women. Globally, 10% of women are in their reproductive years


“Endometriosis is a condition where the specialist lining of the womb grows outside of the uterus. 

“Up to 50 per cent of people with this condition are thought to struggle with their fertility,”Jenny.

The other factors that could impact fertility are a decreased ovarian reserve and reduced egg quality, as well as age. 

Jenny states that the greatest indicator of fertility for a woman is her age. 

“Women are born with all their egg cells. The number of eggs they have available decreases over their lives, as does their quality. 

“Most women are not aware that by the age of 35, their egg cell reserve is diminished. 

“Smoking is also a factor that can impact egg quality and ovarian reserves.”

The results of a fertility test are OK

“Around 30 per cent of couples who are struggling to conceive will be diagnosed with ‘unexplained infertility’,”Jenny.

“This is when you are struggling to conceive but have normal fertility test results and often doctors will recommend lifestyle changes and fertility treatments such as IVF.”

Sandy adds: “The term infertility can sound scary, but it doesn’t mean you’ll never become a parent. 

“There are a number of factors that can cause infertility and the cause will guide the treatments your doctor recommends.”