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Matthew Cronjager Neo Nazi 18 year old who wanted to kill his friend with a 3D printed gun Found guilty!

Matthew Cronjager was obsessed with buying or building a gun and led an online sect in the UK. Cronjager had already pleaded guilty for four other offenses prior to his trial

Two terror offenses were committed by a Neo-Nazi who tried to kill a friend using a 3D-printed gun.

Matthew Cronjager (age 18, from Essex) led an organization for a UK section of an online far-right group. They also shared explosive-making instructions online.

He was found guilty of one charge of engaging in terrorist preparations and one of disseminating a terrorist publication at Old Bailey on Friday.

Cronjager pleaded guilty already to four counts in possession of material that is likely to be useful for a person committing, preparing, or performing an act of terror before the trial.

According to the court, he was an active participant in online platforms that promote right-wing ideology. He was also obsessed with acquiring or building firearms.

Cronjager was convicted at the Central Criminal Court (also known as The Old Bailey).

Cronjager was arrested after he spoke online to an undercover officer for Counter-Terrorism North East. Police then alerted him.

The messages were found by Cronjager, where he stated that he wanted weapons to attack.

He even went so far as to identify a “target” [a friend]He compared him with a savant and his plans. “cockroach.”

Cronjager revealed the following to the officer undercover: “I’ve found someone I want to execute.

“It would be easy to ‘find’ a double-barreled shotgun and take it down for such things.”

He admitted they had been friends “All ages” but said: “I could just kill him that way”.

His barrister, Tim Forte told jurors that Cronjager was nothing more than a “Keyboard warrior

He was obsessed with building or acquiring a gun

He said: “He was the outsider, he was the other. He retreated in his own mind and that took him down the rabbit hole that is the internet.

“Children similar to him existed 30/40 years ago [who were]Unhappy, lonely, and unwelcome did not have the internet to lure and ensnare with hate and misinformation. Today, it’s all on a platter like an assortment of loathing.”

Cronjager was found guilty and will be sentenced for his crimes at the Old Bailey on Monday, October 18.

Cronjager will face a sentence in October

CTP North East is headed by Martin Snowden, Detective Chief Superintendent. DCS Snowden said: “Online extremism continues to be a real threat to our communities, as young people can potentially gain access to harmful and toxic material designed to stoke hatred.

“Thanks to the work of specialist officers and staff, Cronjager did not get the opportunity to put his plans into action.

“The sooner we learn about dangerous and radical behavior like his, we can disrupt and intervene.

“We know family and friends are best placed to spot if a loved one is becoming radicalized.