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Kids may only get ONE Covid jab due to very rare heart risk, experts claim

KIDS aged 12 to 15 may only get ONE Covid jab due to the very rare risk of a heart condition.

There is a slight link between vaccines and myocarditis (inflammation of the heart), according to studies.


British teens may end up just having one Covid vaccine if approvedCredit: Alamy

But the risk is very small, with the majority of children who have had the jabs worldwide not suffering any major side-effects.

However, experts think one shot would be enough as it gives a higher level of protection against Covid to younger people.

SAGE members suggested it would provide plenty of protection against the virus, with one telling the i: “The data shows that while the risks are incredibly low, side effects like myocarditis and pericarditis occur after a second vaccination.

“It should also be remembered that there is no evidence that a child has died from either, and the very few that do suffer side effects appear to fully recover quickly.”

Chris Whitty, the chief medical officer for England is expected to confirm the final decision next week, The Times reports.

Experts believe that vaccines should be given to children due to the positive effects on mental health and social development.

Ministers stated that the first group of younger teens would be jabbed in five days.

Professor Whitty continues to review the benefits of giving children the life-saving vaccine.

The decision came after the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation delegated responsibility for the decision to UK health chiefs.

The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation stated that while the risks were outweighed by the benefits, they still considered it too risky to make a decision about whether mass vaccinations for teenagers should be carried out.

The Times reports that senior doctors and experts agreed that teens should get jabs.

They urged teens not to miss school because of Covid scares and said they would help them to forget about the virus.

Learning to be social with others and improve your social skills is more important than worrying about side effects.

It comes after Central Recorder revealed Boris Johnson will next week unveil a “toolbox” of contingency measures to see off a winter lockdown and keep Britain open.

Ministers will give the go-ahead to vaccine booster shots, Covid passports for clubs and stadiums and the biggest flu jab rollout in history to ease pressure on the NHS.

Health Secretary Sajid Javid says most 12 to 15-year-olds will be able to give own consent for Covid jabs if parents object

An advertising blitz will urge the most vulnerable to get a third Covid jab and a flu shot to try to stop hospitals being overwhelmed if cases keep rising.

The PM is privately vowing another lockdown is out of the question and has ordered the Government to do everything possible to avoid future restrictions.

He will stress it is time to “learn to live with Covid forever” but wants to see the hated Coronavirus Act 2020 renewed as a precaution.

Its emergency powers expire at the close of the month. The PM will vote to extend them for six more months.

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