Is La Croix As Hydrating As Regular Water?

WebMD states that the big difference between sparkling water (or carbonated water) like La Croix and regular water (or tap water) is that sparkling water has carbon dioxide added to it — this gives it that bubbly fizz consumers love so much. Club soda, seltzer water, and soda water are all different types of sparkling water.

Typically, sparkling water doesn’t have any calories, which usually means it doesn’t have any sugar or carbs. Flavored sparkling water, however, can have some sugar and carbs. It’s not uncommon for salt or other minerals to be added, so sparkling water may also have a little sodium (per Healthline


Healthline also notes that studies show sparkling water can provide key health benefits that regular water doesn’t provide. Some of these benefits include improved swallowing ability, a full feeling, and constipation relief.

While the benefits are great, Medical News Today points out that sparkling water can make you gassy. If irritable bowel syndrome or bloating are issues for you, it’s probably a good idea to stay away from the bubblies. You’ll also want to avoid sparkling water during workouts, according to Aaptiv

. The feeling of fullness may result in you drinking less water while exercising.