Is it the flu, RSV, or Covid virus? Here’s a parent’s guide for three deadly viruses currently in epidemic.

AS the temperature begins to drop and we head indoors, a handful of deadly respiratory viruses are spreading at very high levels.

Due to the many lockdowns that have been implemented over the past few winters, immunity is low among the population. This means that children are more likely to contract these diseases.


Most children will recover on their merits from RSV, flu or Covid.Credit: Getty

According to new data, the number of cases of flu in children is on the rise.

The number of cases of covid in children is declining, and experts believe that hospitalisations have reached their peak. However virus remains at high levels.

Most children will be able to recover without assistance from a doctor or nurse.

Some, such as very young children and people with underlying lung problems, may require additional care.

These are the symptoms you should be looking out for in case your child has a virus of the respiratory system.

Are you referring to RSV, flu, or Covid-19?

RSV, flu, and Covid are all respiratory viruses.

These viruses affect your respiratory system — the network of tissues and organs that help you breathe.

They can also affect you in the exact same way, leaving you with similar symptoms like a runny nose, cough, and fever.

There are subtle differences among the viruses.

Symptoms unique to RSV

RSV is very common and most children infected by it are under two years of age.

Wheezing is a common symptom that’s unique to the virus. It sounds like a rattle or whistle when your child inhales.

According to the CDC, RSV is responsible for around 83 deaths annually in children and adolescents. The majority of these deaths are in infants. Oxford Vaccine Group.

Children under two can experience more severe consequences, particularly if they are born prematurely or have a heart condition.

While most children will recover from RSV by themselves, severe illness can occur such as:

  • Bronchiolitis – swelling of the small airways in your child’s lungs
  • Pneumonia – an infection of your child’s lungs

Symptoms unique to flu

Flu symptoms include high fevers (temperatures above 39 degrees Celsius).

High temperatures were previously a sign of Covid. However, experts say that it is less common with the Omicron strain.

Children below 5 years of age, especially those under 2, are at greater risk of complications from flu. These include:

  • Dehydration
  • Inflammation in their heart, brain, or muscle tissues
  • Pneumonia
  • Sinus and ear infections

Symptoms unique to Covid

Covid symptoms are constantly changing as the virus changes and new variants appear.

Currently, Omicron is the main strain circulating, which has been proven to be milder than others that came before it.

However, experts warn that there may be three subtrains that circulate together this winter.

The most recent data from the ZOE Symptom Tracker app states that loss of smell, taste and a dizzy light head are both common symptoms – both of which are unique to the virus.