Is it a good idea to wear a mask at family gatherings this holiday season?

According to Dr. Anthony Fauci, you should be able to enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday without masks as long as you and your family are fully vaccinated (via CNN). The definition of being is as of the writing of this article. “fully vaccinated”Booster shots are not available yet. However, you should get a booster shot now that all are eligible. 

The biggest concern is those who aren’t vaccinated — the more unvaccinated people there are, the more family members are at risk. If you’re traveling or will be around family members who are not vaccinated — or if you’re unsure of their vaccination status – you should take precautions like wearing a mask and social distancing.

Dr. Fauci suggested that you get vaccinated if you have not done so yet. “Get vaccinated and you can enjoy the holidays very easily. And if you’re not, please be careful” (via CNN). Fauci suggested getting COVID-19 tested if you are not vaccinated before Thanksgiving. Fauci clarified however that COVID-19 is a valid vaccine. “not a substitute for getting vaccinated.”He said, “Get yourself vaccinated and you can continue to enjoy interactions with your family and others.”