I’m plus-sized & people are always shocked blokes fancy me

A ‘PLUS-SIZED’The hardest thing about dating is that many people believe it will be harder to find a woman because she is larger than they are.

But Mary Rose Madigan, from Sydney, Australia, says she’s never had any problem finding a love match. 


Mary Rose stated that she was liked by blokes, but her friends thought otherwise.Credit: Instagram/@maryrosem

Writing on Mamamia she said her body had never stopped her attracting blokes, but people seemingly couldn’t believe that.

She spoke of a time when she confided to others that she was involved in a love triangle.

She told the Aussie publication: “A few months later, another co-worker and I were discussing how I had found myself in the middle of a love triangle. I was torn between a hipster man from the inner west and a surfer guy from the coast. It was very dramatic and, in retrospect it was silly. 

I didn’t like either of them that much, I just liked the drama. A coworker asked the question. “I’m surprised you get so much attention considering your size?” 

She continued: “I know it’s a tired trope but confidence is sexy, being yourself is always attractive and getting a date has nothing to do with your weight. I’m living, full- figured proof.”

She shared that she received the same number of matches through dating apps as her skinnier peers – and that men wanted to have relationships, not just one-night encounters.


Coworkers have fat-shamed the woman.Credit: Instagram/@maryrosem

One person joked that she should “’lock a guy down quickly” because she was ‘lucky” to have a man want her.

She explained how she believes plus-sized women were historically meant to be. “quiet and dowdy”They should embrace their true selves, even though that would be absurd.

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