I’m a geologist – here are the best crystals for your lifestyle and personality

A GEOLOGIST shared three crystals that might suit your personality and lifestyle – which could make viable alternatives to diamonds in an engagement ring.

Cate, a Geologist and @groovygeologist, shared her top picks for alternative engagement rings stones in a recent TikTok video.


A geologist shares stones that can be used for different lifestyles and personalities.Credit: TikTok/@groovygeologist


Cate is a geo-communicator and geologist.Credit: TikTok/@groovygeologist; Etsy/StarryCradles

“We all know diamonds are a scam, and honestly they’re not even that exciting,”Cate stated in her recent Video.

“You could have a prettier rock on your finger for the rest of your life.”

Cate discusses a few stones and their potential uses for you.

Fluorite is one example. It chips easily, so she talks about it first.

For someone who lives an active lifestyle, this might not be the best choice.

Fluorite is also scratchable by glass, as it has a hardness rating of four, compared to diamonds’ 10.

Cate states that a Fluorite ring will scratch a pane if it is banged against a glass pane.

Fluorite is not recommended for people who spend a lot of time outdoors.

Next Cate turns her attention to Moss Agate. She describes it as having thousands upon thousands of tiny quartz crystals.

Quartz is hardened to seven out of 10 according to Cate. It cannot be scratched with steel or glass.

However, it can sometimes be scratched by Quartz crystals.

This stone is more suitable for active people because it doesn’t scratch so easily.

Cate also discusses Amethyst (also in the Quartz family) in her video.

It has the same durability as 7/10.

An Amethyst is similar to Fluorite, but it will fade in the sunlight.

More than 9.3 million people have seen the video about crystals.

Many viewers asked Cate for details, particularly in relation to other gemstones and stones.

She then made two more videos about alternative engagement rings that have been viewed over 2.5 million times.