I’m a first aider – here’s the baby vomiting red flags you must not ignore

If you are a new parent, it is likely that you have already come to terms with the unpleasant smell of vomit.

It’s not something you want to see, but it could indicate that your baby is having a serious problem.


Many parents are comfortable with a little bit more vomit from their children, but experts advise that you be aware of the signs and symptoms.Credit: Getty

According to the NHS, babies can vomit due to a variety of reasons. This includes food allergies or acid reflux.

They might even puke if they see too much milk in their bottle teats.

Tiny Hearts Education has now shared the information of first aid specialists, including when their vomit might be a red alert and what levels of baby sickness it looks like.

They suggested that you look for vomit with dark green colour, projectile vomit or blood.

If baby vomits dark green, it is usually a sign that he or she is leaking bile.

This means that their bowel could be blocked.

Projectile vomit occurs when a baby spits up or has forcefully vomit out of his mouth.

This could indicate pyloric Stenosis. It is a common condition among young infants.

The NHS explains: “A condition present at birth where the passage from the stomach to the bowel has narrowed, so food is unable to pass through easily; this causes projectile vomiting.”

The gurus also warn against babies who have blood in their vomit.

Sometimes tiny specks or pink-tinged blood may be due to maternal blood. This is known as rusty pipe syndrome.

However, if your child is putting blood in their vomit, you should immediately see your GP.

NHS experts recommend that you contact your GP if you notice your baby puking or is unable to swallow fluids.

If they are sick for longer than a few days, you should reach out.

Another cause of sickness for babies is a strangulated uterus.

The NHS also added: “Your baby will vomit frequently and cry as if they are in a lot of pain; this should be treated as a medical emergency.”

The Medics explained that vomiting could also be an indication of intussusception.

This happens when the bowel telescopes in upon itself.

Your baby might also be vomiting.

Experts Tiny HeartsAlso, it was revealed how different amounts look like.

To show how sick your baby is, they used syringes with a clean baby-grow.

They displayed syringes containing 2ml, 5ml, and 10ml of each. Many parents commented that it always looked more than it was.

An additional person was added: “I thought my baby threw up her whole bottle but it was actually just a quarter.”

If you have concerns about your baby, it is important to seek medical advice.

In an emergency, always dial 999.