I’m a doctor and this is the strange place you never knew you had a NIPPLE

Two nipples are the norm for most people.

One NHS doctor now reveals the place you might be able to have a nipple.


Most people have nipples at their chest. But, for a small number of people, they may be in strange locationsCredit: Getty Images – Contributor


Dr Karan Rajan said that even though it is rare, you can get nipples under your feet.Credit: tiktok/drkaranr

TikTokers make videos of their moles and show how they are more nipples.

Many users shared clips of their extra nupples. Some were below their chests, while others were in their armpits.

All of the videos share one thing in common: all of these extra nipples are actually found on the mammary gland of a person.

It starts at the person’s armpit, and continues down to the breast. The inner thigh is where it ends.

TikTok: Dr Karan RajanIt was claimed that you can get nipples on the soles of your feet.

The NHS doctor referred to a 2010 paper in which a man was examined who claimed he had a foot mole.

Dr Rajan explained: “It turns out it was actually a nipple and areola complex.”

He stated that doctors discovered breast tissue and a nipple at the foot of a woman in 2006, as well.

“This is called a pseudomamma. It’s a false breast.

“When doctors removed the lump, they found sweat glands and ducts that are normally found in the breast.

“Although extra nipples and breast tissue are normally appear on the mammary line, they can technically be anywhere.”

Additional nipples are rare and only 1% of people have them. Dr Rajan stated that it is very uncommon.

In the comments, he explained that a Mammary Line is an embryonic leftover and that the nipples that are found on the feet sometimes lactate.

People have revealed previously the bizarre things that nipples are capable of.

A woman revealed previously that her baby boy was born with lactated breasts.

This condition is caused when the mother has high levels of oestrogen during pregnancy. It transfers into the baby’s body via the placenta, stimulating breast tissue growth and milk formation.

After she saw white liquid seeping from her armpit, another woman discovered that she could breastfeed directly from her armpit.

The doctor examined the patient, and discovered a firm, round lymph node that produced white fluid when it was pressed.

Write a case report for the New England Journal of MedicineAccording to doctors in Lisbon Portugal, the condition is consistent with polymastia.

This condition is when breast tissue grows along the ridge of your breast.

Research has shown that this is where women most often develop breast tissue accessory.


Dr Karan also described how one woman had a breast tissue and nipple under her foot.Credit: tiktok/drkaranr
Stacey Solomon reveals that her nipples are a mess as she shares an emotional first-video with her newborn daughter

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