I’m a doctor and here’s why having a big bum will help you live longer

We’ve all heard the expression “thick thighs save life”, but is it true? Could a big behind help you live longer?

A doctor revealed that having a peachy bum or thick thighs can increase your life’s longevity by years.


Is it possible to live longer if you have a peachy back?Credit: Getty


Dr Karan Rajan explained to us how having a bigger back could actually be a benefit for our health

Posting to TikTokDr Karan Rajan claimed that studies have shown that fat in the gluteofemoral regions can lower the risk for metabolic and cardiovascular disease than more visceral fat.

He explained, “That’s because these fats behave differently.”

“Visceral Fat can wrap around the organs, releasing fatty acids and/or cytokine that can cause inflammation.

“This can cause heart damage as well as other problems.

“But this fat is usually distributed below the skin, often under the skin with more postial padding or gluteofemoral.

“Fat in this region can actually act like a sponge, it can store fatty acids and stop it going into the internal organ, so remember, thick thighs can save lives.”

Dr Karan commented that fat in the gluteofemoral areas secretes Lepton. This regulates appetite and bodyweight.

He said that it “mops up fatty acids”.

Published research by Experts in ChinaA study last year showed that people with a larger thigh circumference were at lower risk for heart disease.

Patients with larger thighs also had lower blood pressure levels than those with smaller thighs.

The study included over 5,000 patients who were overweight or obese.

Researchers discovered that people with larger thighs than 55cm (or more) and those with smaller thighs (5cm or less) had lower blood pressure.

High blood pressure can lead to heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, and heart failure.

Dr Zhen Yan, the study author, said that leg fat might be more beneficial than stomach fat for metabolism.

“The most likely cause of this association is that there is more thigh muscle and/or fat deposited under the skin which secretes various beneficial substances that help keep blood pressure in a relatively stable range.”

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