If Your Thumb Hurts From Scrolling On Your Smartphone, You May Have This

If your thumb(s) cramp, are stiff, in pain, or click, pop, or snap during movement, then you may have trigger thumb (via Healthline). The thumb may lock in a bent position and hurt when you try to straighten it (per WebMD). Notably, symptoms may become more prominent or worse when using your device. This condition is also be referred to as smartphone thumb, texting tendinitis, or trigger finger (via Healthline).

Trigger thumb — sometimes medically referred to as stenosing tenosynovitis — can happen when the protective sheath around the tendon becomes inflamed, affecting the tendon’s mobility (per Mayo Clinic). Over time, the inflammation can lead to scarring. As the tendon moves through the inflamed sheath, it can make a popping sound — hence the name “trigger thumb.” 

Notably, WebMD says that this condition is usually caused by repetitive movements, like scrolling. That’s why it is important to set your phone to the side for a while. Rest may give your thumb time to heal (via WebMD). If you must use your phone, try doing so without the use of your thumb. Splints can be effective in stabilizing the thumb. Additionally, your doctor may recommend over-the-counter medicines like ibuprofen, or even give you a steroid injection. Remember, if it hurts, stop “pain scrolling.”