I loved the freckle with the heart shape on my face

A young woman, who loved a freckle with a heart-shaped shape on her face, was shocked when doctors diagnosed skin cancer.

Kayla Mailer, now cancer-free is sharing her story to encourage people to use sunscreen.


KayIaMailer is warning others about what she experienced when she didn’t use enough suncreamCredit: Kennedy News


After intense surgery to remove the mole, she was left with a large scar on her face.
Credit: Kennedy News

Kayla, an American from Portland, Oregon, USA, stated: “If the tar wasn’t removed, I would not have died when I turned 28.

“I didn’t tan a lot before the diagnosis, but when I was a kid I was running around Alabama, usually with no sunscreen, or at least not reapplied every two hours.”

From 12 years old, she had a tiny freckle on her left side. It grew into the distinctive heart shape over 15 years.

When she was 27, it changed to a darker color and lost its recognisable shape.

Kayla visited her GP who referred Kayla for a biopsy.

She was informed by her distraught mother three days later that the news was true. “highly aggressive”form of melanoma.

She explained that “when I received the call by the dermatologist telling me I had a very aggressive form of melanoma, I was getting ready for a 12-hour night shift at jail.

“I sobbed in my bathroom and [from then on] had constant anxiety about dying.”

Kayla underwent intensive surgery which left her with a scarlet red nose. “filleted”With the skin removed layer by layer later.

The specialist carefully removed each layer of cancerous tissue from her body and sent it off to be tested.

Kayla said that she was seated in a chair much like a dentist’s chair at the appointment and then repositioned her back.

They cleaned the area, then started injecting stuff into my cheek to make it numb. Then they began to draw a circle around my cancerous cheek.

“As they did the job, I could feel their cuts near my nose. They then removed it.” [the tissue]Take it off my face.

“Watching your skin get filled is the best thing.

“I could clearly see the yellow layer fat that was attached to it, leaving a gaping and bleeding hole in my eyes that was as large as a pepperoni.

“They then proceeded to cauterise the hole and give me a giant bandage while I waited for the results to come back.”

She was informed the next day that all melanoma had been removed.


Melanoma can spread to other parts of the body and is a form of skin cancer. Melanoma can be characterized by the appearance of new moles or changes in existing moles.

You can experience this anywhere on your body. However, the most affected areas are the back of men and the legs for women.

Melanomas are usually irregular in shape and more than one colour. A larger mole can also appear itchy or bleed. Watch out for moles that slowly change shape, size, and colour.

Most cases of melanoma are gone after it has been treated. There is little chance that it will return. The majority of people (80-90%) are followed for one to five years, and then are discharged without further complications.

Kayla reported that after three years, she still has skin checks at six months. She has also had freckles taken out of her neck, back, right arm, and two spots on her face.

She now urges people to use sunscreen all day and to reapply every 2 hours.

Kayla stated, “I would recommend that people wear sunscreen – reapply every twenty-four hours – and/or protective clothing.”

“Get suspicious things checked by a professional. Live a life you love, and love the life you live.”


The young woman had her face shaved by the surgeon who removed cancerous cells.
Credit: Kennedy News


Now she is feeling better, but she still wants people to make sure they have enough suncream.Credit: Kennedy News
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