How your sleep troubles could raise your risk of developing silent killer.

It can be difficult to fall asleep at night.

Experts warn you that if your sleep is interrupted, you might be at increased risk for silent killers.


Experts suggest that those who have trouble sleeping at night are at greater risk for developing illness.Credit: Getty Images – Contributor

Research has shown that constant turning and tossing can increase your risk of high blood pressure.

You are at greater risk for heart disease, stroke, and heart failure if you have this condition.

Experts LloydsPharmacyThe study found that half of Brits struggled to sleep for at least three nights per week. One in ten Brits struggles to sleep every night.

Around 5.5million people suffer from undiagnosed hypertension. The data from LloydsPharmacy is based on a separate study that found that insufficient sleep can increase your risk for multiple killer diseases.

It found that people are 25 per cent more likely to die by the age of 75 if they don’t get enough kip.

Your health could be at risk if your sleep time is less than five hours each night.

The chance of getting serious illness is 40% higher for those who sleep less.

Cancer, heart disease and diabetes can all be triggered or made worse by tiredness.

LloydsPharmacy’s research also revealed that 25% of people who experience trouble sleeping also have high blood pressure.

Nearly half of those quizzed did not know that sleep deprivation can lead to the condition.

What signs should you be on the lookout for in order to avoid illness?

According to the NHS there are six main symptoms.

  1. Blurred vision
  2. Nosebleeds
  3. A shortness of breath
  4. Chest pain
  5. Dizziness
  6. Headaches.

LloydsPharmacy is raising awareness of the symptoms and is urging people to get their blood pressure checked.

Jagdeep Jalf, LloydsPharmacy Pharmacist said: “Hypertension is extremely common, but as it rarely has noticeable symptoms it can go untreated and put your health at risk.

“That’s why it’s so important for people of all ages to understand the triggers of high blood pressure and try to lower their chances of experiencing it.

“We know that sleep can influence our health, so it’s interesting to see from our research just how many people who experience poor or broken sleep, as well as those who experience symptoms of high blood pressure or take medication for it.

“There are also a handful of people who don’t get enough sleep at night and, whilst they don’t currently experience symptoms of high blood pressure, they may have family members who do, which may mean you are more at risk of experiencing high blood pressure – making it increasingly important for everyone to be aware of the signs and risks of this condition.”