How to paint beautifully if you’ve never painted before


Painting is a form of art that provides you with aesthetic pleasure as well as the essence of relaxation. Painting is an old tradition of giving pleasure to the audience as well as to yourself just like meditation. 

Picking up the brushes, putting strokes on the canvas, and beautifying the things, ideas or concepts with colors is an amazing process. Sometimes people just become so busy in their lives that they don’t give importance to the little things present in the world, especially art. 

In the time of the pandemic, we have learned that we must give some time to ourselves to understand and observe the beauty around us. The easiest way of getting pleasure as well as learning is by playing with the colors. 

If you want to learn more about colors, paints, and especially paint by numbers custom then all the information is given below.

Paint by numbers

Painting is not just a hobby, rather it’s a skill that is present in some people from their initial stages of life or some give it to focus in the old ages. There is no restriction of age, gender, color, and race for the painting hence a person belonging to any place or any area can get himself enjoyed with colors.

Paint by numbers is an amazing place to refresh your painting cravings and feel the aesthetic beauty of nature. Painting is considered to be a therapeutic activity and you can feel the relaxation in the soul and mind just by playing with colors.

Paint by numbers is not just for the canvas; rather you can also decorate homes, rooms, pictures, and beautiful gifts can also be made through it. Acrylic paints are more in demand in the market due to their vast application on the canvas and amazing appeal to the eyes. 

There are special kits that are designed for the children as well as for adults just according to their taste. The activities that are instructed in the instruction book require no experience and specialty in painting for the person. There is a specific line and zone that is defined by the artist and you just need to follow it to start your amazing experience of painting. 

The activities of the instruction book are designed in such a way that it goes from simple to complex paintings. A person can learn the painting step by step with paint by numbers or can just jump to the hard and some critical paintings according to taste. 

Children Painting hub

In most schools, the first thing that is taught to children is painting. Painting provides a sense of working with paints and enables the children to focus at one point. No doubt kids are the ones who are more indulged in activities like painting. 

For any artist, the most important thing is their tools of working. If the kit of paint that is provided to the children is not good or not according to the demands of painting then your small kid would soon get annoyed by the painting. 

Paint by numbers is an amazing place to get different designs of painting kits for the children along with the complete set of brushes, paints, and an instruction book. Children who are of 7 years or above can create a masterpiece by using the paint by numbers kit. 

The kits are specially designed for the children in such a way that children can paint for hours and hours without getting bored. Children who are passionate about coloring and are younger than 7 years can also use paint by numbers kits under the guidance of an adult person. 

Adult’s Painting hub

Most of the people who like painting or just want to relax from the annoying busy schedules turn towards painting. They just want to have the complete guidance of painting by the experts for the best results. 

In such situations, we have seen that people keep on searching different sites for help. Winnie’s Pick provides all of your demands in one place including the instruction of some experienced artists along with the amazing kits and vast variety of colors.

Paint by numbers is an amazing way of getting yourself absorbed in the process of painting whether you completely know it or not. You just need to select the beautiful designs that are available on the paint by numbers and start working on them. 

Different sets of categories are present for the adult painters to work according to their taste and demand. Some of the categories that are provided on paint by numbers specially designed for the adults are explained here:

  • Vintage Set

People like different themes according to their mindset. Vintage sets provide different themes that are traditional and classic along with trendy styles. You can enjoy yourself according to your interest. 

  • Animal kingdom set

Painting different species of animal is a very long and old tradition of the artist as aesthetic beauty is enhanced through it. Earth has provided rich diversity from birds to wildlife hence it would be a fabulous activity to discover the hidden attractions in the world.

  • Flowers set

Flowers are the most beautiful creature on the planet Earth due to which it has become the prominent subject of painting. The most prestigious artists always like to present different forms of flowers and plants with different ranges of colors.

  • Landscape paintings

Nature is always an amazing subject of inspiration for the artists of the traditional as well as the modern age. Mountains are magnificent places that can produce a masterpiece of nature if it is transferred to canvas with the amazing representation of colors.

  • Famous painters

Art is not always painting other things; rather you can also put a concept, idea, or express the imagination in the form of a painting. It is the most amazing way of representing something unimaginable with the creative process.

Why is painting important?

After reading different types of painting designs, colors, and paint by numbers custom the first question which arises in the mind is why all of this is important. There are some specific reasons for which painting is considered important which are:

Therapeutic activity

Painting is an amazing activity that can provide you relaxation in your stress full routine. Some of the psychologists specially asked patients to paint so that they can cope with their anxiety in the best way.


Painting provides a soothing effect to the person as you can feel yourself flowing with the colors on the canvas. The mind also feels relaxed, fresh, and empowered during the process of painting as all the ideas and imagination are poured out with colors.

Source of Pleasure

Painting can also be considered as a source of pleasure as a person can feel happy as well as memorable just by looking at the painting. It is a long-lasting gift that you can give to any person as it can never fade away.

Productive activity

Painting is not only an activity that can give you aesthetic and mental pressure rather you can also learn a lot from it. The first and the foremost thing that you can learn during the complete process of painting is how to focus at one point. 

Ending Notes

Painting is an important activity in the life of adults as well as young children. It is important to have a precise idea as well as a better kit of colors with you while you are painting. An artist would be nothing without tools.

Paint by numbers is an amazing place to get everything you want. It provides an amazing collection of colors with a set of brushes along with the instruction book. Everything that a person required during the process of painting would be given to the user. 


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