Horoscope today, Tuesday June 28: Daily guide to what your star sign has in store for your zodiac dates


March 21 to April 20

Mars and Jupiter could inspire you to say and do all the right things to help a relationship match your true hopes.

When it comes to your working life, your gift for understanding how other people think, both colleagues and rivals, helps you make impressive progress.

Luck visits door “31”.



The key words for work success are originality and patience


April 21 to May 21

Venus twists and turns as it finds a new route through the skies and love can be as adventurous as you want it to be.

The key words for work success are originality and patience and you have them both.

Discovering a long-ago family connection with Italy makes your day truly exciting and full of promise.


May 22 to June 21

Your zodiac house of money gets stronger and cash should start to flow more smoothly.

When it comes to love, Mercury the planet of the mind contacts Mars, the planet of desire, which could make your love life hotter than ever.

The luck factor is finding a ticket in a blue wallet you rarely use.


June 22 to July 22

Pluto, the mysterious but very influential planet, is focussing on love.

Even if you are single and happy to stay that way, by the time the sun sets you could be discussing true romance.

You can talk to everyone you care about and know you will be understood.

A prize to share brings a family celebration.


July 23 to August 23

Your intuition may tell you who could already be falling in love with you but this would be a relationship that you should take seriously and slowly.

So only respond if you are ready. Job wise, an offer takes your confidence to a new level.

Luck is linked to a china vase you bought at a charity sale.


August 24 to September 22

The sun is powered up in the zone of your chart that makes you so good with people.

You just have to take one look at new faces to know whether you should be cool and businesslike or warm and passionate.

Dating could soon be an option.

Luck links to an old friend, perhaps from your schooldays, with new ideas.


September 23 to October 23

Use any spare time in the morning to look again at a travel dream as one major aspect may have changed.

You are ready to move – for the right chance at the right time.

High hopes take up your attention in everything from love to work, to cash rewards.

The higher you set your sights, the more inspired you can feel.


October 24 to November 22

The success sector of your chart is set at maximum so don’t waste any opportunity to talk about your ambitions.

It may seem like boasting but it’s the right thing for right now.

If you’re tired of waiting for somebody to reveal their feelings for you, be bold and ask.


November 23 to December 21

The Venus effect is in the most adventurous part of your chart and attracts you to someone with a wild reputation but a kind heart.

Being with people who value what you contribute at work brings out the best in you.

And it could restore your optimism about romance and planning a future with a partner.


December 22 to January 20

What starts as a purely practical business-like, neighbourhood meeting is transformed by the last person to arrive.

The latecomer has a generous personality which ensures that everyone forgives them.

You go further – and fall in love.

This could be the soulmate you’ve been waiting to meet.


January 21 to February 18

Imaginative ideas for your home may be ultra-modern, but reveal you have a talent for transforming places.

What starts as part-time work can turn into a full career.

It’s a surprise encounter with a celebrity that adds excitement to your new world and also supplies a very open-hearted helping of luck.


February 19 to March 20

You’re a true believer in love and expect your relationship to last a lifetime but doing too much for a partner can dilute the passion.

Workwise, you’re on the list of future successful stories.

But remember those who have helped you have also earned your support.

The luck factor lists items from A to Z.

Horoscopes – your latest astrology reading from Mystic Meg

Capricorn – Born between December 22 and January 20, Capricorns have a tendency to be practical, resourceful and patient, as well as dedicated and ambitious.

Aquarius – The free-spirited Aquarius is a water sign born between January 21 and February 18.

Pisces – Pisces is the last star sign in the Zodiac and its symbol is the fish.

Aries – Aries is the first of the 12 Zodiac signs and its symbol is the ram.

Taurus – Taurus is the second Zodiac sign and its symbol is the bull.

Gemini – Gemini is the third Zodiac sign and its symbol is said to depict the twins Castor and Pollox.

Cancer – Cancer is the fourth Zodiac sign and its symbol is the crab.

Leo – Leo is the fifth sign of the Zodiac, falling between July 23 and August 23.

Virgo – Virgo is the sixth sign in the Zodiac calendar and is represented by the maiden, or virgin, symbol.

Libra – Libras are an air sign, and are compatible with Geminis, Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius.

Scorpio – Ruled by the planet Pluto, Scorpios are the most compatible with Cancer, Capricorn and Pisces.

Sagittarius – The symbol of Sagittarius is an archer, and they are most compatible with Aries, Aquarius and Leo.

ZODIAC SIGNS: What’s a star sign and how do I find mine?