Heartless Bus Driver Ignores 6-Year-Old’s Pleas, Leads Her to His House Later – Shocking Story of the Day


Heartwrenching Tale of Neglect: Bus Driver Ignores Pleas of Girl in Need

Jonathan was working his bus route when a little girl hopped on the bus, desperately asking for help. But he didn’t have time to help as he had to keep working, and despite her pleas, the other passengers ignored her too, so the girl went away. But when Jonathan got home that night, something shocking happened.

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“Please! Someone, please, help my mother!” a little girl yelled when she jumped on Jonathan’s bus. He had arrived at a bus stop on his route in New Jersey, and no one else had entered his vehicle.

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He was startled and frowned at the girl. “What?”

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“Listen, girl. I don’t have time to help you. Call 911,” he finally said to the kid, who was crying at that point.

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“Please! My mom!” the girl insisted, her tears falling freely from her eyes.

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Finally, Jonathan got up from his driver’s seat and pushed the little girl out of his bus. “I’m sorry but I need to keep going! You can call 911. Just ask someone for a phone,” he said more forcefully as he got her out of the bus.


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