Health Benefits, Side Effects, Types

Cannabidiol, or CBD (Cannabidiol) is a compound in marijuana and hemp that has been discovered to be effective in treating a variety of ailments.Popularity has skyrocketed. It’s promoted as a treatment for everything, including acne.

High blood pressure

Both marijuana and CBD products are made from cannabis plants. The main difference is that marijuana comes only from plants that have a greater amount of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). 

US law states that CBD products made from industrial hemp plants are limited to a maximum of 2%. 0.3% THC. Also known as THC. “CBD does not get you high,”” Houman Danesh, MDMount Sinai’s director of Integrative pain Management.

Although there have been some preliminary studies that CBD can affect the body’s health, further research is necessary to fully understand its many health benefits. These are the five health benefits that CBD has been shown to have.

1. Relieves pain

Numerous pain relief studies focus on how CBD interacts and THC to relieve pain. This is in contrast to CBD by itself.

A combination of THC and CBD can reduce both pain levels, according to studies. cancer patientsPeople withMultiple sclerosis.

2. Allergize anxiety

CBD has been shown in studies to be a good alternative.Reduce activity in certain areas of your brainThis can lead to fear and worry. It may be why preliminary research suggests that itHelps with anxiety and insomnia.

A small example:2019 StudyA study involving 57 men showed that 300 mg of CBD made participants less anxious during a test for public speaking. Strangely enough, CBD in higher or lower doses did not work as well.

3. Addiction treatment

Early studiesCBD is thought to reduce the desire for addictive substances, which may lead to a reduction in addiction. An analysis of 2013It was found that CBD users smoked fewer cigarettes in the study period. 

Scientists also believe that CBD could help to prevent opioid addicts from relapsing. A Preliminary 2015 StudyIt was found that CBD can reduce cravings in people who are addicted to opiates.

4. Schizophrenia treatment

Early researchCBD may be able to treat symptoms of schizophrenia such as hallucinations, delusions, and hallucinations. This is a significant finding, as traditional medication that treats schizophrenia often do not have this effect. serious side effectsUncontrolled movements and weight gain are two of the most common reasons.

Although scientists are still unsure how CBD works to treat schizophrenia symptoms, they do know that it is safe and effective. 2012 studyThe standard antipsychotic medication treatment, which is 600-800mg of CBD, was equally effective. However, CBD had less side effects. However,  other studiesCBD has been shown to be less effective than previously thought.

5. Reduces epileptic seizures

The only CBD treatment availableFDA approvedIt is used to treat rare forms of epilepsy. This can be life-threatening and cause seizures.

Scientists are still unsure how CBD affects epilepsy patients. However, CBD may increase brain chemical availability known as “CBD”. adenosineThis can be used to manage seizures.

CBD has side effects

Although CBD is known to have side effects, we aren’t surprised by these side effects. Nausea and sleepinessWe don’t know if there are any longer-term more serious risks.

“The risks of CBD itself simply haven’t been studied,”” J.H. AtkinsonDr. Judith Y. Sullivan, MD, is co-director of California Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research.

Atkinson states that CBD can interact with blood thinners and increase the amount of drug in your bloodstream.

CBD products do not have FDA approval. This is the biggest risk. The FDA does not regulate CBD products, so if you purchase a CBD capsule bottle, there may be other ingredients. More or less CBDThemay not be accurate. “These fluctuations may be as high or even higher than the label indicates. 50-100%Danesh claims that these claims are higher or lower in reality than they claim.

To ensure you get the right dose, it is important to purchase CBD products that have been independently tested. LA Weekly has more information. A list of CBD-related companiesThird party testing is used.

Which CBD type is best for you?

CBD is available in many forms: edible gummies (e-gummies), vaping oil, skin cream, tinctures and vapor oils. You should avoid vaping or smoking if you want to try CBD. Danesh states that CBD can be taken by mouth.

Atkinson warns that CBD can cause problems even if taken by mouth. People may think CBD isn’t working because it takes longer to digest CBD.

Although there have been no studies to show CBD poses any health risk, CBD may pose a problem for some people. side effects like diarrhea or drowsiness. Also, it’s a good idea to be cautious because CBD’s effectiveness is not known until more research is done.

Insider’s takeaway

Preliminary research shows that CBD could be used to treat a variety of conditions, including pain relief and epilepsy. 

It is important to remember that CBD products aren’t regulated by FDA and can be difficult to dose.

Some forms of CBD, such as edibles, take some time to kick in. There’s also the possibility of taking too much CBD if you don’t believe it’s working.

CBD is not thought to pose any health dangers. However, CBD can cause side effects such as diarrhea and drowsiness.

Remember, your doctor should discuss CBD supplements with you first.