Female Vegetarians 33% More Likely to Suffer Hip Fracture

Your elders may have ever told you to eat your vegetables. “to have healthy, strong bones,” then prepare for your inner child’s vindication. A University of Leeds study has revealed that vegetarianism can have many health benefits. However, there are also some cons. 

And for middle-aged women, one such downside includes an increased risk of hip fracture—roughly 33% as compared to regular meat eaters in the study. A hip fracture is a serious, independence-altering injury, which makes this statistic all the more alarming. 

But before you swear off brussels sprouts forever, let’s get to the root of the facts.

The Proof is in Bone Mineral Density

The University of Leeds StudyTo determine the impact of their diets on hip health, we followed 26,318 UK women. The diets of the women varied from an omnivore (both regular meat and occasional meat consumers), to a vegetarian, to a pescatarian, to a vegetarian (which also included strays of vegans). Hip fractures were reported in 822 participants, or 3% of the total sample population.

Researchers adjusted the data on hip fractures to account for other factors such as ethnicity, prevalence of other diseases and lifestyle. The data showed that only vegetarians had a higher risk of developing hip fractures. 

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While scientists say the subject needs more research, preliminary estimates suggest vegetarians’ increased risk is due to a lower bone mineral density. Many nutrients found in animal products, including calcium, protein, and other micronutrients support healthy bone mineral densities.

“Low intake of these nutrients can lead to lower bone mineral density and muscle mass, which can make you more susceptible to hip fracture risk,” wrote Dr. James Webster, the study’s lead author. “This makes it especially important for further research so that we can help people to make healthy choices.”

Global Health Problem with High Economic Costs

The severity of the injury is one reason why there is so much urgency in finding out more about the link between bone health, vegetarianism and it. Study co-author Dr. Janet Cade described hip fracture as a “global health issue with high economic costs that causes loss of independence, reduces the quality of life, and increases the risk of other health issues.”

Middle-aged people, especially those who forgo meat, can make informed decisions about their health and make better choices. Because all things considered, a vegetarian diet isn’t a bad idea. It’s also healthy. Lower the chance of certain chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, but it’s also Better for the environment

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Still, it’s important to be aware of all potential risks of a diet, even one that seems particularly healthy on the surface. While scientists gather more data on plant-eaters’ bone health, there are some steps you can take to fortify your nutrition. 

Another option is to include more nutritious vegetables in your diet. I am a vegetarian and know how easy it can be to eat a lot of potatoes and beans. Leafy greens and broccoli are rich in calcium. Vitamin D, which aids the body absorb calcium from food, is found in bananas and citrus fruits. 

Supplements can be used to fill in nutritional gaps. It’s important to consult with a doctor or nutritionist to figure out what deficiency you might have and which supplements are recommended.

There are many benefits to being vegetarian. You can avoid potential problems like this one by taking precautions.

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