Experts share 11 tips to improve health: From beating depression with chocolate to reducing heart disease with mustard, these hacks can be used to cure depression.

You could save your own life by having a cup of morning coffee.

Experts have claimed that drinking tea and coffee may reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s by 25 per cent.


We examine what could be found in your kitchen cabinet to help you avoid illnessCredit: Alamy

People who consumed two to three cups of coffee per day had a lower risk of suffering strokes.

Chinese scientists have found that both drinks contain caffeine and flavonoids, plant chemicals. These chemicals boost blood flow and reduce inflammation. They also attack rogue proteins.

These survey results were based on a study that included 365,682 Brits between 50 and 74, who were followed for 15 years.

We examine what other items in your kitchen cupboard might be able to help you avoid getting sick.


Premier League football managers may ban ketchup, but tomatoes are rich in lycopene which is an anti-oxidant that protects cells from damage and lowers the risk of developing heart disease.

It appears to also reduce ‘bad’ cholesterol – with a Finnish study claiming volunteers cholesterol fell in a few weeks of eating extra ketchup.

Tomato puree or canned tomatoes may be even better as they don’t contain as much sugar.

Additional studies show that lycopene is effective in preventing prostate cancer.


These little jars can help you stay healthy.

Turmeric, according to some sources, can lower your chances of developing cancer.


A teaspoon of dried oregano contains the same anti-cancer antioxidants as a cup of broccoli.Credit: Getty

Research in Diabetes Care suggests that a cup of cinnamon tea daily can help to control blood sugar for people with Type 2 Diabetes.

A teaspoon of dried oregano contains the same anti-cancer antioxidants as a cup of broccoli.


Peanut butter may help reduce breast cancer risk in women who eat it regularly.


Consuming peanut butter could lower your risk of developing breast cancer later in lifeCredit: Getty

In a study published in the journal Breast Cancer Treatment and Research, it was found that girls who ate peanuts or nuts every day from age nine to 15 were less likely than those who ate peanuts or nuts daily by the time they reached 30.

Breast cancer risk is increased by benign breast disease.


Eating dark chocolate can improve your mood and combat depression.


Flavonoids found in dark chocolate can help to prevent cancer and elevate mood.Credit: Getty

In a 2019 study by University College London, those who reported eating dark chocolate in two 24-hour periods were 70 per cent less likely to report symptoms of depression than those who hadn’t eaten any.

Flavonoids found in dark chocolate can help prevent cancer and elevate mood.


New research shows that coffee drinkers are less likely not to be exposed to Covid-19.

Experts from Northwestern University in Chicago said that those who drink one cup per day are around 10% less likely to contract the virus.


According to new research, coffee drinkers are less likely than others to get Covid-19.Credit: Getty

Tea didn’t have the same effect so researchers said it could be down to the higher caffeine content or compounds found in coffee that you don’t get in tea.


These types of bread, pasta, and rice are rich in fibre, B vitamins, protein, antioxidants, and other nutrients.


Type 2 diabetes could be as low as 30% in those who eat low-fat, healthy foods regularly.Credit: Getty

According to the British Dietetic Association, people who regularly consume them as part a healthy and low-fat diet may have a lower risk of stroke, heart disease and Type 2 diabetes.

Studies have shown that they can help you maintain a healthy body weight.


A single study on mice has shown that extra virgin oil can boost brain health and protect against cognitive decline.


Extra virgin olive oil is believed to be a good option for preventing the buildup of toxic tau proteins.Credit: Getty

Mice that were given oil in addition to their regular diet performed better in learning and memory tests.

It is thought a diet rich in extra virgin olive oil may help fight the build-up of toxic tau proteins that are found in the brains of Alzheimer’s and some dementia patients.


Even a simple tin can of baked beans can provide a healthy boost.

Nutritionist Aman-da Ursell explains: “Baked beans are a great source of soluble fibre, that helps balance blood sugar and cholesterol levels.


A small tin full of baked beans can provide a healthy boost.Credit: Getty

“They are also a source of good value protein, which we need to keep everything from our immune system to our skin, in good health.”


Nuts for nuts

A small amount of unsalted nuts like almonds, walnuts, and pistachios can significantly reduce the chance of suffering a heart attack or stroke.


Consuming a handful of unsalted nuts like almonds, walnuts, and pistachios regularly significantly lowers your risk of dying from heart attack.Credit: Getty

Scientists from Iran’s Isfahan Cardiovascular Research Institute claimed that eating the fruits twice per week reduces your risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by 17%.

It’s thought to be down to the healthy unsaturated fats they contain though they are also a good source of protein, minerals, vitamins, fibre and polyphenols, some of which are known to boost heart health.

TINNED salmon

These are also great sources for Vitamin D. Vitamin D supports the immune system and bone strength as well as brain function.


Consider a can that is canned in water, rather than oil. Oil can be very high in fat.Credit: Getty

This should be our main goal ‘sunshine vitamin’It is great to be outdoors, but it can be very difficult to do so in the UK, especially during winter.

Choose a tin that is canned in water, rather than oil which can be high-fat.


A BOWL breakfast can help you feel full and prevents you from feeling bloated.


Those who ate oatmeal daily had lower body weights and slimmer waists than those who didn’tCredit: Getty

One US study of 22,000 adults found that those who ate oatmeal daily had lower body weights and slimmer waists than those who didn’t.

It could be due to their high level of fibre, which has been proven to lower cholesterol and keep your heart healthy.

How diet during menopause can relieve symptoms such as hot flushes and muffin top

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