
Covid Jab All You Need to Know About Your kids Getting Vaccinated 11 key Questions!

As fears grow that the fourth wave of coronavirus could be on its way, parents are preparing their children for their first dose of a jab to protect them from the disease.

However, the vaccination program for school kids aged 12 to 15 is still on hold.

For over a year-and-a-half, education for children across the UK has been disrupted as they were forced to learn from home and then adapt to their “bubbles” which would burst and mean they had to self-isolate if a classmate tested positive for coronavirus.

With cases rising again, that lack of a decision could bring back disruption very soon.

Education leaders were awaiting a decision by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) on whether 12 to 15-year-olds will be offered vaccines.

Now that decision has been passed to the Chief Medical Officers and Tory Health Secretary, who could make a final ruling as soon as next week.

Here are the key questions about vaccinations for children answered. Everything you need to know about your children getting the coronavirus vaccine

Will, my child gets jabbed this term?

All children aged 16 and 17 can get their Covid vaccination, without parental consent.

Some children aged 12 to 15 can also get a jab. They are eligible if they are clinically vulnerable, or live with adults who are at increased risk of serious illness.

As of September 3, children aged 12 to 15 can also get a jab if they are among 200,000 children with other serious illnesses. These include sickle cell disease, type 1 diabetes, and other serious heart, lung, liver, and neurological conditions that put them at high risk from the virus – the full list of conditions is here.

However, the JCVI has still not decided to offer jabs to all 12 to 15-year-olds.

The independent body finally ruled on September 3 that the benefits to healthy 12-to-15-year-olds from getting vaccinated are “marginally greater” than the small risk of harm.

But it added: “The margin of benefit is considered too small to support universal vaccination of healthy 12 to 15-year-olds at this time.”

When will there be a decision on all 12 to 15-year-olds?

A decision could come as soon as next week.

The final recommendation on whether to jab healthy 12 to 15-year-olds has been passed on to the four UK Chief Medical Officers.

Health Secretary Sajid Javid has asked them to give advice “as soon as possible” and he will make a final decision for England, with devolved governments deciding in Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.

It’s understood that advice is expected to be days or weeks away.

Will jabs for all 12-year-olds get the go-ahead?

We don’t know, but it seems more likely now it’s in the Chief Medical Officers’ hands.

Unlike the JCVI, they will look at the wider benefits of vaccinating children, not just the direct health benefits or risks to the children themselves.

These will include looking at how much kids’ schooling would be disrupted if they don’t get the jab – and the risk to adults around them, who are more likely to get seriously ill from Covid.

What are the benefits of doing it?

Outbreaks have until recently been driven by people in their 20s and 30s mixing. This week Public Health England said rates are now highest among those aged 10 to 19, even before schools return.

Vaccinating 12 to 15-year-olds will reduce outbreaks in schools and disruption to pupils’ education.

Keeping children in schools also protects those vulnerable to harm at home.

Jabs will also reduce infections in children being passed to older, vulnerable people.

It would contribute to greater population immunity and reduce pressure on the NHS.

What are the potential downsides?

Scientists are analyzing data on an extremely rare side effect called myocarditis.

This causes the heart muscle to become inflamed, reducing its ability to pump blood.

It is detected by medics picking up an unusual heart rhythm, mainly in boys within a week after the second dose.

Scientists in the US – where millions of children have been vaccinated with Pfizer or Moderna jabs – picked up 1,000 cases of heart inflammation.

Most cases were mild and around 800 of these kids had recovered by July.

Why couldn’t they make a decision?

The JCVI needs to weigh up the risk to children of myocarditis triggered by jabs, against the risk from Covid-19.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calculates for every million doses there were 67 cases of heart inflammation in boys and nine in girls. This makes it extremely rare.

While serious cases of Covid-19 in children are rare, they do happen.

The JCVI is waiting on data that would indicate Covid-19 danger outweighs the risk of vaccine side effects.

Long Covid is also a concern and any lasting harm it causes is little understood.

There is also a dilemma over whether to vaccinate kids to protect the elderly.

It may save more lives but is it fair for a tiny number of children to face health harms to protect the old?

The response by Deputy JCVI chairman Prof Anthony Harnden was telling when asked about their deliberations.

He said: “There are many, many arguments for and against giving vaccines to 12 to 15-year-olds, and we’re deliberating on what we think is best for children.”

What are other nations doing?

Other countries with advanced vaccine programs are less concerned by this ethical dilemma as they jab children to boost population immunity.

Norway this week became the latest country to announce it will start vaccinating 12 to 15-year-olds.

France began offering vaccinations to all over-12s in June amid controversy.

Rows among couples prompted the government to change rules and only require the approval of one parent.

From the end of September, younger teenagers will join the over-18s in needing a “health pass” to visit venues, cafes, and public events or participate in organized sport.

Ireland, Italy, Spain, and Holland are also vaccinating 12 to 15-year-olds. The US and Canada started jabbing at this age group in June.

Is it because there are not enough vaccines to do boosters as well?

The Government has been adamant this is not the case, insisting it has stocks to roll out boosters and vaccinate children simultaneously.

If they do go ahead which vaccine would they use?

Pfizer and Moderna jabs have been approved as safe for 12 to 15-year-olds by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency.

This is because most data is available from other countries on these vaccines being administered in this age group.

They are a new type of vaccine that uses Messenger RNA technology to trigger a protective immune response.

Traditionally vaccines put a weakened or inactivated form of the virus into our bodies.

However, mRNA vaccines deliver instructions to make a spike protein and prime the immune system.

The spike protein is found on the surface of the virus that causes Covid-19.

The AstraZeneca jab is not approved for under-18s as little data exists on it being used in children.

Are they worried that lots of parents just won’t agree to it?

The JCVI worries pushing a vaccine on a section of the population without robust data could hit its credibility.

If millions of children are vaccinated but one dies after a bad reaction it will be big news, even if the risk is small.

The JCVI is not afraid to be an outlier after urging a longer interval between doses. It now appears to have left Brits with longer-lasting immunity.

Could this delay mean people are more reluctant to be vaccinated?

The JCVI believes it is being meticulous and hopes any delay will validate its future recommendation.

Sources on the committee say the public should be reassured that they do not approve a medical intervention without robust evidence to back it up.