Cold showers could help obese people lose weight, study finds

COLD showers could help obese people lose weight, a study suggests.

Research found being in 4C temperatures improves metabolism — meaning TV Iceman Wim Hof, 63, may be on to something with his extreme dips.


Cold showers could help obese people lose weight, study finds
Credit: Getty – Contributor

Researchers fed mice a high-fat Western diet.

Some of the overweight rodents were exposed to around 4C while others were kept at a temperature where the body does not need to produce heat.

The boffins found being in the cold helped obesity-induced inflammation and imporoved the body’s use of blood glucose reducing blood sugar.

The mice’s weight dropped compared to those not in the cold.

The Boston, US, study was published in Nature Metabolism journal.

Prof Yu-Hua Tseng said: “Cold exposure reduced inflammation and improved metabolism in obesity.”