Can you have sex while having a UTI

A doctor will usually prescribe antibiotics to treat a UTI and give strict instructions about dosage and timing. Cleveland Clinic). Although your symptoms might diminish or disappear, it is important to continue taking the medication prescribed by your doctor.

Some people believe that antibiotics will enable you to have sex after a UTI. You can still have sex but it is not recommended. UTIs can cause irritation to the area around your bladder. Having sex can also increase irritation. Healthline. This can lead to more complications for you and your partner. A UTI can spread bacteria to your partner, which could lead to an even worsening of the infection. It is also possible for the bacteria to spread from one partner, potentially causing you both to develop a UTI. Medical News Today


It is best to follow your doctor’s advice regarding treating a UTI. Also, avoid having sex with the infected person until they are fully healed.