Brits were warned to avoid diet foods and drinks that could make you fatter. Here’s everything you need to know.

A HEALTH expert advised Brits to be more careful about consuming diet food or drinks. He said they could make you fatter.

Respected Professor Tim Spector stated that ‘healthy’ options may actually do more harm than good.


Brits are being warned about diet drinks containing artificial sweeteners.Credit: Alamy


Sugars in ultra-processed foods can cause you to overeatCredit: Getty


Tim Spector, Professor of Genetic Epidemiology at King’s College, London, has issued a warning over the risks of ‘diet’ foodsCredit: Alamy

He stated that there were “many woefully outdated myths that have benefitted the food industry”These have resulted in record levels of obesity across the UK.

“I’m convinced that diet drinks are not the answer either”He wrote the following: Daily Mail.

He suggested that artificial sweeteners found in diet drinks could be less healthful than Brits believe.

“Although food companies dress them up as healthy alternatives, they are far from it”He wrote.

He also disputes claims. “all calories are equal, low-calorie foods are good, artificial sweeteners are healthy and high levels of processing are harmless.”

Brits were warned about the warning by the scientist, who works to unlock how food metabolizes. “the evidence no longer stacks up”Over the many benefits of low sugar drinks

Research has shown that artificial sweeteners in diet drinks may be less healthy than previously believed.

Although low-calorie foods may not add calories to your daily diet, they can cause weight gain by reducing the amount of energy you receive.

Your brain may be fooled by the sweetness of the drinks into thinking energy is on the way. This could cause it to send signals for the body to eat even more to try to get the energy it needs.

An earlier study by the German National Cancer Centre revealed that sugary sweeteners are addictive. “very distinct changes in the composition and function of gut microbes”These drinks can cause diabetes.

The drink’s fattening effects may also be due to microbe imbalance, since gut health is crucial for our metabolism.

Professor at King’s College London also attacked so-called “diet meals” and said that they could make you more hungry.

He said, “We used believe that the only problem with ultra-processed foods, such as packaged soups and sauces, sweetened breakfast cereals, icecream, and tortilla chips, was their high levels of fat, sugar, and salt.”

“But we have ignored the fact for too long that these foods are completely lacking in natural structure, also known as the food matrix, and are made up of many chemicals, which make us feel hungrier, and are associated with an increased risk of disease and earlier death as shown in many published studies.”

Professor also stated that processed foods labeled as “diet” may cause overeating.

According to the metabolism expert, sugars in ulta processed foods (UPFs), can cause overeating even though they are promoted as diet foods.

“Another problem with UPFs is that the sugars in them are readily available as they have been ‘stripped’ from their natural food matrix and cause more sugar peaks and dips which lead to hunger pangs and subsequently over-eating”He stated.

Unfortunately, vegetarian Brits who believe they can avoid these risks by eating meat-free diets are mistaken. Those who rely on highly-processed fake beefs are just as at risk.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that vegetarians who consume UPF’s without meat are at the same risk of premature death as those who eat meat.

These are Professor Spector’s top tips for a healthy diet

Real butter is best

Margarines no longer contain trans-fats because of their association with high cholesterol, risk of heart disease and increased risk. However, the jury is still out on their use.

Tim recommends that you choose real butter or extra virgin olive oils rich in polyphenols.

Avoid ‘healthy’ crisps

Many ‘healthy crisps’ are still highly processed despite their lower sugar and sodium content.

These products are best avoided. A simple potato crisp with two to three ingredients is better.

Steer-clear of Iceberg lettuce

Iceberg lettuce is a popular choice for salad fillers but it’s still one of the most nutritious.

Choose colourful leaves instead, as they pack a stronger nutritional punch.

Tim said: “If you depend on iceberg for one of your ‘five a day’ you would need 500 a day.”

Nuts are often underrated

Although nuts are often criticized, a nutrition expert suggested that we might have underestimated their calorie content by as much as 25%.

Research shows that nuts can help reduce your risk of becoming obese by 20% if you consume five portions per week.

High levels of protein and fiber can help you feel fuller sooner and can also improve your metabolism.

Give prunes a chance

Although prunes may not be everyone’s favorite fruit, they have a number of health benefits.

These fibers are known for being constipation-curing. They also aid digestion, are nutritious and provide a healthy dose of fibre.